CASEL’s process helps schools coordinate and build upon SEL practices and programs. Use the Guide to Schoolwide SEL to create an environment that infuses SEL into every part of students’ educational experience and promotes equitable outcomes for all.
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The School Guide’s four focus areas help you organize, implement, and improve your SEL efforts. While implementation is not a linear process, we recommend beginning with Focus Area 1 to build a strong foundation. Then, your school can engage in activities to both strengthen adult SEL (Focus Area 2) and promote SEL for students (Focus Area 3). Every step of implementation is guided by a process of continuous improvement (Focus Area 4). In each focus area, you’ll also have an opportunity to track your school’s progress through the Schoolwide SEL Implementation Rubric.
Download the CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL Essentials.
See an implementation timeline.
Developing a strong foundation for SEL helps ensure that efforts are sustained long term. This requires engaging the entire school community and developing a coordinated plan for implementation.
Build foundational support by establishing an SEL team, fostering commitment to SEL, and developing a communications strategy.
Develop a shared vision, assess needs and resources, then develop a yearlong SEL implementation plan and budget.
Schoolwide SEL means that both adults and students are actively cultivating their own social and emotional competencies. Here you'll find guidance for supporting SEL for all.
Support all staff in cultivating their own social and emotional competence and promoting SEL for students.
Create opportunities for students to practice SEL schoolwide, in the classroom, and through family and community partnerships.
Continuous Improvement is essential for quality implementation that's aligned to your school's needs. Here, teams use data to reflect and take action.
Identify opportunities for improvement, and examine data to refine your plan.
Use the Quick Start Timeline to check off what you have accomplished and find the right resources for what's next.
TimelineTake this questionnaire to find the right spot in our full School Guide, based on your role and interests.
Where to Start?