
Looking for a tool to support your schoolwide SEL implementation? Search through all of the School Guide resources here.

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Focus Area 1A

Build Foundational Support

SEL Team

Title Document Type

Assembling an SEL Team

This tool helps you identify potential SEL team members to recruit.




Assembling an SEL Team (OST)

This tool (OST version) helps you identify potential SEL team members. You needn’t identify individuals for each role categories as long as the team represents the entire school community.




Defining Team Member Roles and Responsibilities During Meetings

This tool outlines and describes sample team roles. Use this list as a jumping-off point for identifying roles that suit your team’s particular strengths and needs.

TAGS Team Roles



Develop SEL Team Working Agreements

By taking the time to collaboratively develop clear working agreements, the SEL team sets the stage for a sustainable division of responsibility, productive meetings, and a team culture that values differences of opinion and inclusion. This tool outlines a process for developing team working agreements.

TAGS Agreements Team Collaboration



Develop SEL Team Working Agreements (OST)

This tool (OST version) outlines a process for developing team working agreements. By taking the time to collaboratively develop clear working agreements, the SEL team sets the stage for a sustainable division of responsibility, productive meetings, and a team culture that values differences of opinion and inclusion.

TAGS Agreements Team OST



Guiding Questions for Building Strong Partnerships between School Day and Out-of-School Time Educators

These guiding questions support work with out-of-school time (OST) staff and planning for deepening OST partnerships as part of continuous improvement.




Key Responsibilities of a Data Lead (OST)

This team member will take the lead on planning and maintaining a schedule of data collection and reflection throughout the year, preparing data to share, and facilitating group discussion and analysis of data (OST version).

TAGS Team Roles OST



Key Responsibilities of a School-Family Partnership Lead

The School-Family Partnership Lead will coordinate efforts to create authentic school-family partnerships to promote schoolwide social and emotional learning.

TAGS Team Roles Family Parent



Key Responsibilities of an SEL-Family Lead (OST)

The SEL-Family Lead will coordinate efforts to create authentic family partnerships to promote sitewide social and emotional learning.

TAGS Team Roles OST Family Parent

Key Responsibilities of a Site-Based SEL Team Lead (OST)

The SEL Team Lead (OST version) will model social and emotional competence while motivating, guiding, and keeping the SEL team organized and on task.

TAGS Team Roles OST



Key Responsibilities of a Site-Based SEL Team Member (OST)

Members of the SEL team (OST version) will model social and emotional competence throughout the community and work to advance the vision and mission of the SEL team.

TAGS Team Roles OST



Key Responsibilities of a Student Member of an SEL Team

Student members of the SEL team work to ensure that the perspectives of their peers are represented and elevated to contribute to a more equitable learning environment.




Key Responsibilities of an SEL Data Lead

This team member will take the lead on planning and maintaining a schedule of data collection and reflection throughout the year, preparing data to share, and facilitating group discussion and analysis of data.

TAGS Team Roles Data Continuous Improvement



Key Responsibilities of an SEL Team Lead

The SEL Team Lead will model social and emotional competence while motivating, guiding, and keeping the school’s SEL team organized and on task.

TAGS Team Roles



Key Responsibilities of an SEL Team Member

Members of the school’s SEL team will model social and emotional competence throughout the school community and work to advance the vision and mission of the SEL team.

TAGS Team Roles



Navigating Leadership Changes

Best practices for SEL teams who are preparing to work with new school or district leaders.




Navigating Turnover

Guidance for SEL teams for sustaining SEL implementation amid turnover.




Readiness Considerations for Schoolwide SEL

This reflection tool outlines readiness considerations that could benefit a school community embarking on the process of building a schoolwide SEL effort. Many of these readiness factors can be reinforced over time and/or built while the school community works towards systemic SEL.

TAGS Foundational



Key Responsibilities of a School-Family Partnership Lead (Spanish)

El Líder entre Familia-Escuela coordinará esfuerzos para crear auténtica sociedad entre escuela-familia para promover aprendizaje socio-emocional en toda la escuela.

TAGS Team Family Parent Partnerships



Sample Meeting Checklist

This tool provides an outline of things that need to be done before, during, and after a meeting.

TAGS Team Meeting Checklist



Sample Meeting Checklist (OST)

This tool (OST version) provides an outline of things that need to be done before, during, and after a meeting.

TAGS Team OST Meeting Checklist



Preparing SEL Team Meeting Agendas

The SEL Team Meeting Agenda provides recommendations, samples, and a template for preparing agendas for SEL team meetings throughout the school year. Strong meeting agendas are inclusive of all team members, are grounded in your school's core SEL implementation goals, and consistently draw upon data to drive continuous improvement.

TAGS Team Meeting Agenda



Preparing SEL Team Agendas (OST)

SEL Team Agenda (OST version) provides a template for planning what items will be discussed in meetings throughout the year, based on the community's SEL goals and implementation plan.

TAGS Team OST Meeting Agenda



SEL Team Checklist

The SEL Team Checklist provides a list of key activities to assess and monitor to maximize team functioning and effectiveness.

TAGS Team Checklist



SEL Team Checklist (OST)

The SEL Team Checklist (OST version) provides a list of key activities to assess and monitor to maximize team functioning and effectiveness.

TAGS Team OST Checklist



Supporting Student Members of the SEL Team

Including student members on a SEL team or any school leadership team primarily composed of adults requires a commitment from adults to support youth leaders, both during and between meetings. This tool provides some ways that adults can create equitable space for students in their role on the SEL Team.




Two-Way Communication

Title Document Type

5-Minute Chats with Staff

Chats help school administrators understand the experiences and perspectives of those they support while strengthening communication and trust. Use this basic structure and prompts as a loose guide when you check in with staff throughout the year.

TAGS Voices Adult SEL Supportive Environment Climate National Association of Elementary School Principals



Creating a Communication Strategy

Teams can use this tool to plan communications so that all stakeholders are kept abreast of the work and how they can be involved.

TAGS Communication



Create a Communication Strategy (OST)

Teams can use this template (OST version) to plan communications so that all stakeholders are kept abreast of the work and how they can be involved.

TAGS Communication OST



Foundational Learning

Title Document Type

Indicators of Schoolwide SEL: Strengths and Needs Reflection

This tool offers space for reflection on the 10 indicators of schoolwide SEL. It can be a helpful step in establishing common ground among stakeholders about where the school should focus learning and implementation efforts for SEL.

TAGS Foundational Learn



Indicators of Sitewide SEL – Strengths and Needs Reflection (OST)

This tool offers space for reflection on the 10 indicators of sitewide SEL. It can be a helpful step in establishing common ground among stakeholders about where to focus learning and implementation efforts for SEL.

TAGS OST Foundational Learn



Indicators of Schoolwide SEL (Spanish)

Cuando se implementa integralmente, el SEL escolar contribuye a obtener resultados más exitosos y equitativos para los jóvenes, demostrados en los siguientes indicadores.

TAGS Indicators

Indicators of Schoolwide SEL

When fully implemented, schoolwide SEL contributes to more successful and equitable outcomes for young people, and is evidenced by the following indicators.

TAGS Indicators Foundational Learn

Indicators of Sitewide SEL (OST)

When fully implemented, sitewide SEL contributes to more successful and equitable outcomes for young people and is evidenced by the following indicators.

TAGS OST Indicators Foundational Learn

Personal SEL Reflection

Principals, administrators, SEL team members, staff members, and other adults can use this tool to assess personal strengths, think about how to model those strengths when interacting with others, and plan strategies to promote growth across areas of social competence.




Plan SEL Foundational Learning for the School Community

This tool is designed to help SEL leaders prepare a broad plan and access resources to support foundational learning about SEL. It should be used in the early stages of schoolwide SEL implementation

TAGS Professional Learning Community Foundational



Planning Foundational Learning for the School Community (OST)

This tool (OST version) is designed to help OST leaders prepare a broad plan and access resources to support foundational learning about SEL. It should be used in the early stages of SEL implementation.

TAGS OST Foundational



SEL 101 Sample Introductory Presentation

This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. It gives an overview of what is SEL, why it’s important, and the process for schoolwide SEL. Talking points and activity instructions are provided in the notes section.

TAGS Professional Learning Foundational

SEL 101 Sample Introductory Presentation (OST)

This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. It gives an overview of what is SEL, why it’s important, and the process for sitewide SEL. Talking points and activity instructions are provided in the notes section.

TAGS OST Foundational

SEL 101 Sample Introductory Presentation (Spanish)

Slides and presenter notes are in Spanish -- This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners.

TAGS Communication Professional Learning Family

The Case for SEL

This powerpoint presentation provides a library of slides with research on social and emotional learning. Your school can use these slides to help introduce the importance of SEL to staff, community partners, families, potential funders, and other stakeholders. In the notes section, you’ll see talking points to help you plan a presentation.

TAGS Agenda Vision

The Missing Piece

A National Teacher Survey on how Social and Emotional Learning can empower children and transform schools

TAGS Foundational

Focus Area 1B

Create a Plan

Shared Vision

Title Document Type

Indicators of Schoolwide SEL: Strengths and Needs Reflection

This tool offers space for reflection on the 10 indicators of schoolwide SEL. It can be a helpful step in establishing common ground among stakeholders about where the school should focus learning and implementation efforts for SEL.

TAGS Foundational Learn



Indicators of Sitewide SEL – Strengths and Needs Reflection (OST)

This tool offers space for reflection on the 10 indicators of sitewide SEL. It can be a helpful step in establishing common ground among stakeholders about where to focus learning and implementation efforts for SEL.

TAGS OST Foundational Learn



Develop a Shared Vision and Goals for Social and Emotional Learning

This is a condensed version of two more comprehensive tools available on this site: Develop a Shared Vision and Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL. This three page version helps an SEL team think through inclusive ways to draft a vision statement and specific goals to clarify the aims of SEL implementation and guide action steps.

TAGS Community Partnerships Foundational Collaboration



Develop a Shared Vision for Schoolwide SEL

This tool provides a model for structuring a conversation about developing a shared vision for SEL or integrating SEL into your school’s existing shared vision.

TAGS Vision

Steps for Developing a Shared Vision for SEL (OST)

This tool (OST version) provides a model for structuring a conversation about developing a shared vision for SEL or integrating SEL into your school community's existing shared vision.


Action Plan

Title Document Type

Develop a Shared Vision and Goals for Social and Emotional Learning

This is a condensed version of two more comprehensive tools available on this site: Develop a Shared Vision and Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL. This three page version helps an SEL team think through inclusive ways to draft a vision statement and specific goals to clarify the aims of SEL implementation and guide action steps.

TAGS Community Partnerships Foundational Collaboration



Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL

The purpose of this tool is to help the SEL team progress from a broad, shared vision for SEL to specific, short-term SEL goals that will guide action steps for the coming year. It begins with guidance for determining SEL priorities, then sketching out a long-term implementation roadmap, and finally setting SMARTIE goals for year 1 of SEL implementation

TAGS Template Foundational



Developing SMARTIE Goals for SEL (OST)

This tool presents the “SMARTIE” goal-setting process and includes a template that can be used to document goals. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the SEL vision statement to prioritize clear, motivating goals for SEL.




Sample Multi-Year SEL Implementation Timeline

This provides an example of what a sample school's SEL implementation timeline might look like in the first year, and then the second year and beyond.

TAGS Foundational

Needs and Resource Assessment

Title Document Type

Downloadable Blank Rubric

This printable version of the Schoolwide SEL Rubric can support your SEL team in taking stock of current efforts, identifying existing resources and gaps where SEL strategies can be developed or improved, setting goals, and developing concrete steps for how to achieve your SEL priorities.

TAGS Rubric Foundational

Downloadable Blank Rubric (OST)

The downloadable print version of the CASEL Sitewide SEL Implementation Rubric will support your SEL team in taking stock of current efforts, identifying existing resources and gaps where SEL strategies can be developed or improved, setting goals, and developing concrete steps for how to achieve each of your sitewide SEL priorities.

TAGS Team OST Rubric

Indicators of Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough Protocol

Look for signs of high-quality schoolwide SEL implementation by observing for the indicators of schoolwide SEL. This tool is also available in Spanish.

TAGS Rubric Indicators

Indicators of Sitewide SEL Walkthrough Protocol (OST)

Look for signs of high-quality sitewide SEL implementation by observing for the indicators of sitewide SEL.

TAGS OST Rubric Indicators

Readiness Considerations for Schoolwide SEL

This reflection tool outlines readiness considerations that could benefit a school community embarking on the process of building a schoolwide SEL effort. Many of these readiness factors can be reinforced over time and/or built while the school community works towards systemic SEL.

TAGS Foundational



Rubric Meeting Template

This tool is intended to guide teams through a process for completing the Schoolwide SEL Implementation Rubric.

TAGS Team Rubric



Rubric Meeting Template (OST)

This tool (OST version) is intended to guide teams through a process for completing the Sitewide SEL Implementation Rubric.

TAGS Team OST Rubric



Schoolwide SEL Program and Initiative Inventory

This tool is designed to help the SEL team learn about past and present SEL-related work that has occurred in the school. It includes an interview protocol and guidance for analyzing information from interviews or surveys to decide what SEL-related work should be built upon or reinstated.

TAGS Protocol Continuous Improvement Staff Survey



Systemic SEL Program and Initiative Inventory (OST version)

This tool is designed to help the SEL team learn about past and present SEL-related work that has occurred. It includes an interview protocol and guidance for analyzing information from interviews or surveys to decide what SEL-related work should be built upon or reinstated.

TAGS OST Protocol Continuous Improvement Staff Survey



Systems-wide Reflection: Indicators of Schoolwide and Districtwide SEL

This chart sets CASEL’s Indicators of Districtwide SEL and Indicators of Schoolwide SEL side by side, with links to further information, suggested implementation processes, and examples. District leaders can use this tool to guide reflection, conversation, and planning about how social and emotional learning (SEL) is integrated throughout systems at the school level and at the district level.

TAGS Indicators




Title Document Type

Blank SEL Budget Template

This is a blank template you can use to estimate costs for SEL implementation in your school.


Focus Area 2

Strengthen Adult SEL


Title Document Type

12 Strategies for Adult SEL Facilitation

Clear strategies for facilitating effective, SEL-infused professional learning.




Carol Dweck on Fixed and Growth Mindset Thinking Among Teachers, via the Marshall Memo

Kim Marshall summarizes and reacts to Stanford professor Carol Dweck's article, which applies her “mindset” theory to the problem of teacher attrition. From Marshall Memo 567, 12/29/2014.

TAGS Teachers Education

Create a Professional Learning Plan

Use this tool to organize a customized professional learning plan for your school staff that is clearly tied to the schoolwide goals for SEL, can be assessed for effectiveness throughout the year, draws upon available resources, and includes intentional follow-up to ensure that new practices are sustained and supported over time.

TAGS Professional Learning Training Professional Development



Create a Professional Learning Plan (OST)

Use this tool (OST version) to organize a customized professional learning plan for your staff that is clearly tied to SEL goals, can be assessed for effectiveness throughout the year, draws upon available resources, and includes intentional follow-up to ensure that new practices are sustained and supported over time.

TAGS Professional Learning Training Professional Development



Give 1/Get 8 (Self-Care & Re-Energizing)

This tool outlines an activity to support adults in self-care.




Guiding Questions for Educators: Promote Equity using SEL in your School

When social and emotional learning (SEL) is implemented with a culturally responsive lens, educators can use SEL to cultivate equitable learning opportunities, responsive relationships, and inclusive practices. This resource features reflection questions for school-level educators to explore the CASEL core competencies through an equity lens.

TAGS Adult SEL Equity

Personal SEL Reflection

Principals, administrators, SEL team members, staff members, and other adults can use this tool to assess personal strengths, think about how to model those strengths when interacting with others, and plan strategies to promote growth across areas of social competence.




Personal SEL Reflection

Principals, administrators, SEL team members, staff members, out-of-school time staff, and other adults can use this tool to assess personal strengths, think about how to model those strengths when interacting with others, and plan strategies to promote growth across areas of social competence.




Personal SEL Reflection (Spanish)

Los directores, administradores, miembros del equipo de SEL y miembros del personal pueden usarla para evaluar sus fortalezas personales y pensar en cómo pueden modelar esas fortalezas cuando interactúan con otros.




Spark Questions for Leaders

District, school, and organizational leaders and those leading an SEL team can use these questions to spark reflection about leadership: how they apply social and emotional competencies and focal constructs that center equity and excellence in the way they learn, connect, collaborate, and model SEL as leaders.



Title Document Type

5-Minute Chats With Parents and Caregivers

This template includes a structure and sample questions for one-on-one chats to open dialogue between school staff and students’ family members and caregivers near the beginning of a school year.

TAGS Family Collaboration

Circle Discussions for Staff

This discussion guide can be used for ongoing conversations about SEL throughout the year. It can be used in work settings (for example, teacher team meetings) or community discussion groups.




Consultancy Protocol

This small group consultancy protocol can help individuals think more deeply about a concrete dilemma around SEL implementation, and can also strengthen collaboration and collective efficacy among stakeholders.

TAGS Professional Learning Meeting Continuous Improvement



Creating Staff Shared Agreements

This tool provides guidance for creating staff shared agreements about how they will work together to achieve a shared vision for schoolwide SEL.

TAGS Adult SEL Norms Agreements Supportive Environment Collaboration



Creating Staff Shared Agreements (OST)

This tool (OST version) provides guidance for creating staff shared agreements about how they will work together to achieve a shared vision for sitewide SEL.

TAGS Norms Agreements OST



Summary – The SEL 3 Signature Practices (Spanish)

Las 3 prácticas distintivas del SEL son una herramienta para fomentar un ambiente de apoyo y promover el SEL. Intencionalmente y explícitamente ayudan a construir un hábito de prácticas a través de las cuales los estudiantes y los adultos mejoran sus habilidades de SEL. Aunque no se trata de un plan de estudios de SEL, estas prácticas son un ejemplo concreto de una forma de ayudar a la gente a entender y practicar los objetivos de un plan general sistémico de implementación del SEL.

TAGS Adult SEL Community Climate 3 Signature Practices Three Signature Practices Collaboration

Teacher Small-Group Discussion Guide: Building a Supportive Learning Environment for Middle and High School Students

This tool provides readings, individual and group reflection questions, and activities for small groups to discuss and support each other to implement practices that strengthen learning environments. Use this as a source to strengthen collaboration, relationships, knowledge and skills over the course of the school year.

TAGS Adult SEL Professional Learning Professional Development Supportive Environment Grade-Level Team



The Learning Forward Journal: Collaboration Issue

TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE Collaboration and teams amplify learning.

TAGS Communication Collaboration

SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook

This resource has been updated and is now available online at

TAGS 3 Signature Practices Three Signature Practices

Using Grade-Level and Content Area Team Meetings to Support SEL

This tool provides guidance for using team meetings to connect and collaborate on SEL implementation.

TAGS Meeting Classroom Grade-Level Team




Title Document Type

5-Minute Chats with Staff

Chats help school administrators understand the experiences and perspectives of those they support while strengthening communication and trust. Use this basic structure and prompts as a loose guide when you check in with staff throughout the year.

TAGS Voices Adult SEL Supportive Environment Climate National Association of Elementary School Principals



Guiding Questions for Educators: Promote Equity using SEL in your School

When social and emotional learning (SEL) is implemented with a culturally responsive lens, educators can use SEL to cultivate equitable learning opportunities, responsive relationships, and inclusive practices. This resource features reflection questions for school-level educators to explore the CASEL core competencies through an equity lens.

TAGS Adult SEL Equity

Modeling SEL in Interactions with Students and Families

This professional learning activity can be used in an all-staff meeting or professional learning community to collectively discuss how school staff model social and emotional competencies in their interactions with the students and families they serve.




Modeling SEL for Young People (OST)

This tool (OST version) provides an activity and examples to engage adults in reflection about how they will intentionally model SEL in their interactions with young people and influence the learning climate.




Reflecting on Equity-Centered SEL Leadership Practices

Use this tool as a personal reflection on your leadership habits. These prompts are intended to spark your curiosity about your current practices and how you can be intentional about developing equity-centered leadership skills.

TAGS Adult SEL Equity



Summary – The SEL 3 Signature Practices (Spanish)

Las 3 prácticas distintivas del SEL son una herramienta para fomentar un ambiente de apoyo y promover el SEL. Intencionalmente y explícitamente ayudan a construir un hábito de prácticas a través de las cuales los estudiantes y los adultos mejoran sus habilidades de SEL. Aunque no se trata de un plan de estudios de SEL, estas prácticas son un ejemplo concreto de una forma de ayudar a la gente a entender y practicar los objetivos de un plan general sistémico de implementación del SEL.

TAGS Adult SEL Community Climate 3 Signature Practices Three Signature Practices Collaboration

SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook

This resource has been updated and is now available online at

TAGS 3 Signature Practices Three Signature Practices

TOOL: Strategies for Building a Staff Culture of Appreciation



Focus Area 3

Promote SEL for Students


Title Document Type

5-Minute Chats With Students

This template includes a structure and sample questions for one-on-one chats to open dialogue with students and learn more about how they are experiencing school.

TAGS Voices Supportive Environment Climate School Climate



Create a High School Peace Room

This tool shares four case examples of how Peace Rooms can be used in secondary school settings and ways to include students in the process of creating one.

TAGS Supportive Environment

Developing Schoolwide Norms

This tool provides suggested approaches for developing schoolwide norms.




Modeling SEL in Interactions with Students and Families

This professional learning activity can be used in an all-staff meeting or professional learning community to collectively discuss how school staff model social and emotional competencies in their interactions with the students and families they serve.




MTSS and PBIS Support Programs

Some of the most common frameworks for organizing student supports are Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Adopting schoolwide SEL does not mean that a school must abandon these existing frameworks. Rather, schoolwide SEL offers an opportunity to enhance or refine existing systems of support.


Reflecting on School Discipline and SEL Alignment

Reflect on your school’s discipline policies, procedures, practices, and mindsets. Create alignment between your discipline approach and your SEL vision.

TAGS Climate Discipline



Restorative Justice: A Mindset (New Root Learning Institute)

This professional learning resource from a collaborating organization in Chicago, the New Root Learning Institute, includes a reflection exercise to understand the difference between a punitive and a restorative mindset and an activity to re-frame punitive statements toward students with restorative language and mindsets. (Shared with permission, see for more)

TAGS Professional Learning Classroom Equity Discipline

Restorative Practices and SEL Alignment

This document describes how restorative practices can align to an approach to schoolwide SEL, how they are mutually supportive, and how to implement both in an integrated way.

TAGS Integration Discipline

Selecting an Evidence-Based Program

This tool offers guiding questions and a rating table template to determine whether an evidence-based program answers the needs of your students, families, teachers, school, and district.

TAGS EBP Evidence-based Programs



Selecting an Evidence-Based Program (OST)

This tool (OST version) offers guiding questions to determine whether an evidence-based program answers the needs of your young people, families, staff, and community.

TAGS OST EBP Evidence-based Programs



Strategies for Elevating Student Voice

This tool offers examples of ways that staff can support and elevate a broad range of student perspectives and experiences as part of schoolwide SEL efforts.

TAGS Voices




Title Document Type

10 Phrases to Build Positive Academic Mindsets

Use these phrases throughout the day to help build students’ self-efficacy and affirm their place in the learning community.

TAGS Communication Classroom Supportive Environment Integration



5-Minute Chats With Students

This template includes a structure and sample questions for one-on-one chats to open dialogue with students and learn more about how they are experiencing school.

TAGS Voices Supportive Environment Climate School Climate



Community-Building Circles

This tool includes planning considerations, a set up checklist, a recommended circle process and planning template, and four sample circle scripts for middle and high school classrooms.

TAGS Community Classroom



Cultivating Students’ Community Awareness

This tool provides guidance for encouraging students to explore their connection to their community.

TAGS Community



Cultivating Youths’ Community Awareness and Engagement (OST)

This tool (OST version) provides guidance for encouraging young people to explore their connection to their community.

TAGS Community OST



Frame, Coach, Reflect

A simple strategy for educators to communicate clearly and reinforce for students how social and emotional skills are in play during academic instruction. This context-driven SEL instruction strengthens skill development.

TAGS Classroom Integration Explicit Instruction



Infographic: Integration of SEL and Academic Instruction

Summary of what the research says about the integration of SEL and academic instruction.

TAGS Integration

Class Routines and Responsibilities

Clear and consistent routines and procedures create a supportive home base for all students. Use this tool to consider what kinds of routines are helpful in your setting and plan ways to teach students to take on greater responsibility as the year progresses.

TAGS OST Supportive Environment

Restorative Justice: A Mindset (New Root Learning Institute)

This professional learning resource from a collaborating organization in Chicago, the New Root Learning Institute, includes a reflection exercise to understand the difference between a punitive and a restorative mindset and an activity to re-frame punitive statements toward students with restorative language and mindsets. (Shared with permission, see for more)

TAGS Professional Learning Classroom Equity Discipline

Lesson Plan: Creating Class Agreements and Goals

This tool presents a process for co-creating agreements as a class community, reflecting how students want to be treated and how they plan to treat others.

TAGS Agreements Community Classroom

SEL in the Classroom Self-Assessment

This tool can be used to assess strengths and areas to develop for promoting SEL through explicit instruction, integration into academic instruction, and a supportive classroom climate.

TAGS Professional Development Classroom Supportive Environment Integration Explicit Instruction Teachers



SEL-integrated Lesson or Activity Planning Checklist (OST)

This tool helps educators identify where within lesson or activity plans SEL practices are already present or where they might be included.

TAGS OST Lesson Plans Classroom

SEL Integrated Lesson Planning Checklist

This tool helps teachers identify where within lesson plans SEL practices are already present or where they might be included.

TAGS Lesson Plans Classroom

SEL-Integrated Sample Lesson Plans

This tool helps teachers identify where within lesson plans SEL practices are already present, or where they might be included.

TAGS Lesson Plans Classroom



SEL Integrated Sample Lesson Plans (OST)

This tool (OST version) helps educators identify where within lesson plans SEL practices are already present, or where they might be included.

TAGS OST Lesson Plans Classroom



SEL Reflection Prompts

Sample reflection questions, aligned with the five core competencies of SEL, that support students' self-awareness and prioritizes their insights into their own strengths and challenges.

TAGS Classroom



SEL Teaching Practices That Enhance Academic Learning and Engagement

This chart guides educators as they think through two key questions: Which specific SEL practices would help my students be successful within the lessons and activities I have prepared? What will it look and sound like to integrate SEL as I teach my core subject?

TAGS Professional Learning Classroom Integration

SEL through Distance Learning: Teacher Self-Assessment

Assess your strengths and areas to develop as you promote SEL through distance learning and at-home assignments.

TAGS Checklist Integration



Shared Classroom Goals

Sample collaborative class activities to establish agreement about how members of the community will treat one another and act cooperatively in order to achieve shared goals.

TAGS Agreements Community Classroom

Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback

Students are the best source of information about what is working to help them learn and feel supported. Use this tool to develop a simple strategy to learn from students to continuously improve instruction to better meet their needs.




Student Survey: How I feel about my classroom and school

This simple survey has students rate their perception of school climate, adult support, and sense of belonging. It is intended as an informal measure for individual classroom teachers to invite feedback from students and reflect on areas for growth, and has not been validated as a formal evaluation tool.

TAGS Voices Classroom Climate



Summary – The SEL 3 Signature Practices (Spanish)

Las 3 prácticas distintivas del SEL son una herramienta para fomentar un ambiente de apoyo y promover el SEL. Intencionalmente y explícitamente ayudan a construir un hábito de prácticas a través de las cuales los estudiantes y los adultos mejoran sus habilidades de SEL. Aunque no se trata de un plan de estudios de SEL, estas prácticas son un ejemplo concreto de una forma de ayudar a la gente a entender y practicar los objetivos de un plan general sistémico de implementación del SEL.

TAGS Adult SEL Community Climate 3 Signature Practices Three Signature Practices Collaboration

Support Students With Class Discussions

Use this tool to create the conditions for effective discussions where students grapple with multiple perspectives and practice effective communication.

TAGS Classroom Supportive Environment Collaboration



Educator Self-Assessment (OST)

This (OST) tool allows educators to track their use of integration strategies and make notes about which strategies they wish to use more often.

TAGS OST Classroom Integration



Teacher Small-Group Discussion Guide: Building a Supportive Learning Environment for Middle and High School Students

This tool provides readings, individual and group reflection questions, and activities for small groups to discuss and support each other to implement practices that strengthen learning environments. Use this as a source to strengthen collaboration, relationships, knowledge and skills over the course of the school year.

TAGS Adult SEL Professional Learning Professional Development Supportive Environment Grade-Level Team



Teaching Students to Use the Peace Area

This tool provides guidance for teaching students to use Peace Areas in the classroom.

TAGS Supportive Environment



SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook

This resource has been updated and is now available online at

TAGS 3 Signature Practices Three Signature Practices

Learner Autobiography Lesson Plan

This activity is an opportunity for students to explore their identity as learners and how past experiences have shaped their sense of themselves in the classroom. Reading these autobiographies will be an important learning experience for their teachers as well.

TAGS Lesson Plans Classroom



Using Grade-Level and Content Area Team Meetings to Support SEL

This tool provides guidance for using team meetings to connect and collaborate on SEL implementation.

TAGS Meeting Classroom Grade-Level Team



Family Partnerships

Title Document Type

5-Minute Chats With Parents and Caregivers

This template includes a structure and sample questions for one-on-one chats to open dialogue between school staff and students’ family members and caregivers near the beginning of a school year.

TAGS Family Collaboration

Strategies for Establishing School-Family Partnerships in Support of SEL

This tool suggests ways that the SEL team can further engage families in learning about, supporting, and promoting SEL.

TAGS Family Partnerships



Strategies for Establishing School-OST-Family Partnerships in Support of SEL

This tool suggests ways that the SEL team can further engage families in learning about, supporting, and promoting SEL.

TAGS OST Family Partnerships



Community Partnerships

Title Document Type

Collaboration Tools for Building SEL Across the School Day and Out-of-School Time

These resources were developed specifically for school communities that are looking to align SEL practices across the full day - from before school, through classes, lunch and recess, until the last student leaves after-school programming. In this process, you will prioritize the relationships, communication skills, and context necessary for this collaborative approach to SEL.

TAGS OST Collaboration



Coordinating SEL Work with Community Partners

This tool offers guidance on how an SEL team can leverage community partnerships intentionally by developing an inventory of partnerships, finding opportunities to deepen SEL alignment and practice, and planning for collaborative communication and continuous improvement.

TAGS Community OST Collaboration



Learning More About Your School’s Surrounding Community

This tool provides suggestions for learning more about your school’s community and guiding questions for reflecting on the information you gather.

TAGS Community Partnerships



Learning More About Your Site’s Surrounding Community (OST)

This tool (OST version) provides suggestions for learning more about your school’s community and guiding questions for reflecting on the information you gather.

TAGS Community OST Partnerships



Partnering with Community Organizations to Support SEL

This tool can help the SEL team identify ways to partner with community organizations toward a common goal of advancing social and emotional learning.

TAGS Community Partnerships



Partnering with Community Organizations to Support SEL (OST)

This tool can help the SEL team identify ways to partner with community organizations toward a common goal of advancing social and emotional learning.

TAGS Community OST Partnerships


Focus Area 4

Practice Continuous Improvement

Continuously Improve Schoolwide SEL Implementation

Title Document Type

Caregiver Survey Research Snapshot

Provides salient indicators of construct validity and a summary of this tool’s development.

TAGS Family Continuous Improvement Partnerships

Community Partner Inventory on Schoolwide SEL Implementation

Includes sample letter and 12 items to learn to what extent community partners are aware of and included in SEL implementation at the school.

TAGS Assessment Communication Community Partnerships



Encuesta a los padres/cuidadores sobre la implementación del SEL en toda la escuela (Family/Caregiver Survey in Spanish)

Direct Spanish translation of the Family/Caregiver survey.

Suggested citation:
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). Family/Caregiver Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation.

TAGS Assessment Family Parent Partnerships



Family/Caregiver Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation

Includes sample letter and survey items to learn from families and caregivers about their perceptions and experiences of social and emotional learning at their child's school. Also available in Spanish.

Suggested citation:
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). Family/Caregiver Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation.

TAGS Assessment Family Parent Partnerships



Indicators of Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough Protocol (Spanish version)

Invite your broader school community to participate in data collection, reflection, and learning by joining an SEL Walkthrough (this version translated into Spanish).


SEL Data Reflection Protocol

This tool presents a structured reflection process for SEL teams and other school stakeholders to observe trends and discuss ideas for continuous improvement of SEL implementation. It emphasizes the importance of examining data with an equity lens and elevating a range of perspectives when interpreting data.

TAGS Meeting Data Protocol Continuous Improvement



SEL Data Reflection Protocol (Spanish version)

Invite your broader school community to participate in data reflection and interpretation by joining a facilitated data review discussion (this version translated into Spanish).

TAGS Community Data Continuous Improvement



Student SEL Data Reflection Protocol

Student perspective is essential for understanding school data and making equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive decisions. This tool presents a student-led, structured process for students to reflect on data in partnership with adults, to observe trends and discuss ideas for improvement of SEL implementation.

TAGS Voices Equity Collaboration



Systems-wide Reflection: Indicators of Schoolwide and Districtwide SEL

This chart sets CASEL’s Indicators of Districtwide SEL and Indicators of Schoolwide SEL side by side, with links to further information, suggested implementation processes, and examples. District leaders can use this tool to guide reflection, conversation, and planning about how social and emotional learning (SEL) is integrated throughout systems at the school level and at the district level.

TAGS Indicators



School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation

Includes sample letter and survey items to learn from school staff about their perceptions and experiences of social and emotional learning and implementation support so far.

Suggested citation:
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation.

TAGS Assessment Continuous Improvement Staff Survey



Test Innovative Strategies

Title Document Type

SEL Data Reflection Protocol (OST)

This tool (OST version) presents a structured reflection process for stakeholders to observe trends and discuss ideas for continuous improvement of SEL implementation. It emphasizes the importance of examining data with an equity lens and elevating a range of perspectives when interpreting data.

TAGS OST Data Protocol



Continuous Improvement Template (OST)

This OST tool can be used by an SEL team to drive the learning process about sitewide SEL during team meetings that focus on continuously improving the approach to SEL.

TAGS OST Continuous Improvement Template



Continuous Improvement Template

This tool can be used by an SEL team to drive the learning process about schoolwide SEL during team meetings that focus on continuously improving the approach to SEL.

TAGS OST Continuous Improvement Template

SEL Data Reflection Protocol

This tool presents a structured reflection process for SEL teams and other school stakeholders to observe trends and discuss ideas for continuous improvement of SEL implementation. It emphasizes the importance of examining data with an equity lens and elevating a range of perspectives when interpreting data.

TAGS Meeting Data Protocol Continuous Improvement


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