SEL and Academic Integration: The integration of SEL objectives into instructional content and teaching strategies for academics as well as music, art, and physical education. When done well, integration of SEL promotes student voice and agency and a positive learner identity.
A list of the written sources
This collection of videos from CASEL, collaborating districts, and other producers are sorted by the Ten Indicators of Schoolwide SEL and other key categories to support you in visualizing, communicating, and generating discussion about SEL.
Establish Discipline Policies that Promote SEL
When discipline policies and practices are supportive, developmentally-appropriate, and equitable, they reinforce SEL and support stronger relationships, student engagement, and equitable outcomes.
Staff, Caregiver, & Community Partner Survey
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Continuously Improve Schoolwide SEL Implementation
Use the PDSA cycle to drive high-quality schoolwide SEL implementation.
Create a stable budget for SEL resources, professional learning, and staffing to support the sustainability of SEL efforts.
Students have a unique perspective on how high-level decisions impact the day-to-day life of the school, and their voices are critical to quality schoolwide SEL implementation. By listening to students, schools can make informed decisions about the changes that will best support all learners.
In partnership with schools and districts, CASEL has documented, field-tested, and refind a strategic, collaborative process for schoolwide SEL
Establish a structured, ongoing process to collect, reflect on, and use implementation and outcome data to inform school-level decisions and drive improvements to SEL implementation.
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