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Staff, Caregiver, and Community Partner Surveys on SEL Implementation

Collect data on stakeholder perceptions of SEL implementation for progress monitoring, planning, setting goals, and continuously improving schoolwide SEL implementation.

These three surveys are designed to support school-based SEL teams in collecting data on staff, family, and community partner perceptions of SEL implementation and areas for improvement. These data are helpful for progress monitoring, planning, setting goals, and continuously improving schoolwide SEL implementation.

The implementation surveys should be used in combination with other tools to track progress, including the SEL implementation rubric and walkthrough protocol, as a way to create a more in-depth picture of SEL implementation and elevate the perspectives and understanding of more stakeholders.  The school-based staff survey and caregiver survey are aligned with the 10 indicators of schoolwide SEL and have been updated with a literature review, content expert review, and construct validity and reliability analysis.

School-based Staff SEL Implementation Survey

The data and results from this tool will support school-based SEL teams in learning about staff SEL implementation practices and perceptions.  Expand this section to learn more.

Aligned with…More

The data and results from this tool will support school-based SEL teams in learning about staff SEL implementation practices and perceptions.  Expand this section to learn more.

Aligned with a metric for high-quality SEL implementation, CASEL’s 10 Indicators of Schoolwide SEL, these data and results are helpful for planning, setting goals, progress monitoring, and continuously improving schoolwide SEL implementation. If you are interested in the survey as a research tool, you can refer to the School-based Staff Survey Research Snapshot.

In collaboration with American Institutes for Research (AIR), CASEL previously created a longer version (approximately 60 questions) of the school-based Staff SEL Implementation Survey that aligned to CASEL’s School Guide’s then school-level theory of action. Using this survey, CASEL updated the School-based Staff SEL Implementation Survey with a focus on alignment with 10 Indicators of Schoolwide SEL. This update allowed us to increase accessibility, capture diverse practitioners’ voices and perspectives, and explore how responses may differ based on various characteristics. Multiple rounds of quantitative and qualitative feedback were then obtained from internal (CASEL) and external (educators and education consulting groups) content experts for construction of the updated survey. In the summer and fall of 2020, we conducted interviews with 20 school-based staff members across the country to evaluate real-world understanding and implications, as well as gather feedback for areas of improvement. These suggestions were then incorporated into a pilot of the survey in a large school district in the U.S. Southeast (approximately 1,500 school staff members completed the survey). We again quantitatively investigated the responses using rigorous statistical techniques. Additional inclusion criteria can be found in the School-based Staff Survey Research Snapshot.

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School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation

Includes sample letter and survey items to learn from school staff  about their perceptions and experiences of social and emotional learning and implementation support so far.


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Encuesta del personal escolar sobre la implementación del SEL en toda la escuela

Aprenda del personal de la escuela sobre sus percepciones y experiencias de aprendizaje social y emocional y apoyo a la implementación.


Suggested citation:
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation.

Caregiver SEL Implementation Survey

This tool is designed to support school-based SEL teams in collecting data on family perceptions of SEL implementation. Expand this section to learn more about the development of this survey.


This tool is designed to support school-based SEL teams in collecting data on family perceptions of SEL implementation. Expand this section to learn more about the development of this survey.

“Family” has been interchanged with “caregivers” to highlight the diverse array of supports for children. Aligned with a metric for high-quality SEL implementation, the 10 Indicators of Schoolwide SEL, these data are helpful for planning, setting goals, progress monitoring, and continuously improving schoolwide SEL implementation. If you are interested in the survey as a research tool, you can refer to the Caregiver Survey Research Snapshot.

This tool was recently updated to include proper grounding in empirical evidence via a 1)  literature review, 2) content expert review, and 3) construct validity & reliability analysis. The literature was reviewed for best known and research-based practices for authentic parental engagement in educational spaces (especially for marginalized and underrepresented caregivers/families) and the operationalization of 10 Indicators of Schoolwide SEL. Feedback was then obtained from internal (CASEL) and external (educators and education consulting group) content experts for construction of an updated survey. Survey pilot data for the validity and reliability analysis was obtained from a racially/ethnically and economically diverse set of caregivers (N = 450) across the United States. Additional inclusion criteria can be found in the Caregiver Survey Research Snapshot.

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Family/Caregiver Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation

Includes sample letter and survey items to learn from families and caregivers about their perceptions and experiences of social and emotional learning at their child’s school.


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Encuesta a los padres/cuidadores sobre la implementación del SEL en toda la escuela

Direct Spanish translation of the Family/Caregiver survey.


Suggested citation:
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). Family/Caregiver Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation.

Community Partner Inventory on Schoolwide SEL Implementation

This is a shorter, informal tool to learn from leaders and staff within a school’s community partner organizations (such as out-of-school time providers, nonprofit or volunteer organizations,…More

This is a shorter, informal tool to learn from leaders and staff within a school’s community partner organizations (such as out-of-school time providers, nonprofit or volunteer organizations, health care providers, local businesses, etc.)

The inventory takes approximately 5 minutes to complete and assesses how well the partner school communicates and collaborates with partners in support of SEL.

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Community Partner Inventory on Schoolwide SEL Implementation

Includes sample letter and 12 items to learn to what extent community partners are aware of and included in SEL implementation at the school.


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Inventario de colaboradores comunitarios sobre la implementación del SEL en la escuela

Incluye 12 elementos para saber hasta qué punto los socios comunitarios conocen e incluyen la implementación del SEL en la escuela.

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