Select a category below to find links to high quality videos you can use to learn more, share, and generate discussion with your school community.
Schoolwide SEL is a systemic approach to integrating academic, social, and emotional learning across all school contexts. Learn more about the ways SEL can be present across all school practices here. Full implementation of SEL is evidenced by the ten indicators below.
Explicit SEL Instruction (CASEL & ThinkTV PBS; 7:26)
Explores how explicit instruction in SEL helps students develop and practice social and emotional competencies. This video is part of a series that provides practical applications for educators pursuing high-quality, schoolwide SEL.
SEL 3 Signature Practices for Classrooms (CASEL; 5:41)
Video describing the SEL 3 Signature Practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in a classroom setting.
Austin ISD: Social and Emotional Learning Creates a Foundation for Success (Austin Independent School District; 3:37)
This video from Austin shows SEL lessons taking place in a range of elementary classrooms and shares the perspectives of students, teachers, administrators, and district staff on the benefits of SEL.
Encouraging Academic Conversations With Talk Moves (Edutopia; 4:08)
Sentence starters that students use to join a class discussion encourage both academic thinking and social connectedness.
Learning Problem Solving and Growth Mindset in a Makerspace (Edutopia; 3:55)
Makerspaces build students’ cognitive abilities while fostering independence, perseverance, and self-regulation.
Scaffolding Discussion Skills With a Socratic Circle (Edutopia; 3:36)
Students deepen their understanding and build a sense of community by engaging with their peers’ reasoned arguments.
Fostering Belonging With Classroom Norms (Edutopia; 3:31)
When students help create their classrooms’ norms, rules and culture, they’re more engaged and invested in learning.
Why debrief at the end of an SEL lesson? (Anchorage School District, 1:21)
In this teacher interview from Anchorage School District, a classroom teacher debriefs an SEL lesson, asking questions like, “What was challenging?” and “How did that feel?”
SEL Integrated with Academic Instruction (CASEL & ThinkTV PBS; 5:28)
Discover ways to integrate SEL into daily academic instruction using social and emotional competencies as the foundation for achieving academic goals. This video is part of a series that provides practical applications for educators pursuing high-quality, schoolwide SEL.
Integrating SEL (Anchorage School District; 3:56)
Inside Anchorage School District, see how one teacher integrates SEL into math lessons incorporating youth voice.
Academic Social Emotional Learning in Practice (Oakland Unified School District; 10:08)
Oakland’s video on how SEL is integrated with and enhances academic learning. Aija Simmons describes her class’ morning routine, students share, and how she models reflection for the class.
How to Teach Math as a Social Activity (Anchorage School District, Edutopia; 8:55)
A master math teacher in Anchorage, Alaska breaks down the steps of how he establishes a cooperative learning environment in his upper elementary classroom
Daily Advisory: Building Social, Emotional & Academic Skills (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 4:45)
Combining social and emotional learning with literacy lessons in daily advisory meetings helps students build strong positive relationships and listening skills.
Boosting Engagement With Notices and Wonders (Edutopia; 3:09)
When students make “I notice” and “I wonder” comments on course content, teachers can see what they know—and what they need to learn.
MAPS – Methods for Academic and Personal Success (Austin Independent School District; 8:02)
Austin ISD’s MAPS – Methods for Academic and Personal Success – is both a program and a class for social and emotional learning for new high school students. In this video, see MAPS in action and hear reflections from former students and teachers about the impact of SEL.
2017 National Teacher of the Year Sydney Chaffee Addresses NCSC18 (Public Charters; 19:01)
This video highlights the 2017 National Teacher of the Year, Sydney Chaffee’s, discussion of implementing issues of race and equity into the language and content of a Social Studies classroom. Her practitioner lens, although not explicitly labeled as SEL or transformative SEL, is a powerful lens for approaching the work.
Demonstrating Self-Regulation With Tone of Voice (Edutopia; 2:17)
When teachers model self-regulation by using a voice that is calm, neutral, and assertive, they help students feel cared for—and ready to learn.
Teaching Self-Regulation by Modeling (Edutopia; 3:14)
When teachers explicitly recognize and respond to their emotions in class, students learn to engage in these processes themselves.
The Social Classroom (Edutopia; 1:37)
Increasingly, modern classrooms support group work and peer-to-peer collaboration. The science says that’s right on.
Youth Voice and Engagement (CASEL & ThinkTV PBS; 6:36)
By listening to students, schools can make informed decisions that will support all learners. This video is part of a series that provides practical applications for educators pursuing high-quality, schoolwide SEL.
Youth Voices: Locating Identity, Agency, & Belonging in all Learning Spaces (CASEL; 4:53)
This video features young people sharing how their understanding of their identities, emotions, and the world around them has shaped their views, their values, and their vision for society. This is a call to action for adults to leverage SEL to prioritize the agency and expertise of youth in re-imagining and re-designing thriving schools and communities.
Lifting Our Voices (Sacramento City Unified School District; 8:25)
Features high school students telling their stories — their stressors, ways they know their teachers care, and aspirations for the future. Ends with a challenge to viewers to cultivate spaces where students’ stories can be heard.
Inside Chicago Public Schools: SEL at Marcus Garvey Elementary (CASEL; 4:47)
A student and educators at Marcus Garvey Elementary School in Chicago explain social and emotional learning and its impact.
What Every Student Wants Their Teachers to Know (Boston Public Schools; 3:23)
Boston Public Schools students speak out on how to build positive relationships between students and teachers.
Developing Agency With Student-Led Conferences (Edutopia, 3:44)
When students lead meetings with their parents and teachers, they gain a voice in their education and develop skills like goal-setting and metacognition.
Elevating Student Voice Through Senior Talks (Edutopia, 3:48)
High school seniors build confidence by documenting their growth and learning in a speech presented to their families and the school community.
Giving Students a Voice in Their Education (Ed Week, Washoe; 5:14)
Elevating the role of students to shape the policies and practices that impact their schooling experience is a central part of the social-emotional learning strategies used in the Washoe County, Nev., school district.
Social Emotional Learning in Bellevue Middle Schools (Bellevue Schools Foundation; 3:14)
With the Bellevue Schools Foundation donor funded Social Emotional Learning program, Bellevue School District is building a culture of belonging and resilience for middle school students. Learn how that looks at Tyee Middle School–from informal check-ins with peers and teachers to restorative practices that repair harm rather than punish behavior.
CASEL Cross Districts Learning Event (Sacramento City Unified School District, CASEL; 6:19)
Video produced by Sacramento City Unified School District Students during the CASEL 2019 Cross Districts Learning event. The theme was “Growing Hearts and Minds: Interrupting Inequity and Achieving Academic Success Through SEL.”
My Black is Beautiful (Atlanta Public Schools; 1:29)
Student-produced video from female students focused on self-awareness.
More Than a Check-In: Maslow Before Bloom Throughout the Day (Edutopia; 3:01)
This video describes 5 ways school communities can be attentive to students’ basic needs for safety and belonging.
Marcus Garvey Elementary: Exemplary Supportive School (Chicago Public Schools; 8:50)
Chicago Public Schools recognizes schools for systemic SEL implementation through a Supportive Schools Certification process. Marcus Garvey Elementary is one of the schools that has earned the highest certification level, and this video illustrates the ways SEL has been integrated into systems and practices.
Valor Collegiate Academies: Using SEL as the Foundation of a School Community (Metro Nashville Public Schools; 8:08)
Students learn that it’s OK to be vulnerable and take academic risks through an SEL curriculum, weekly support circle, and daily advisory.
Social and Emotional Learning: A Schoolwide Approach (Edutopia; 6:03)
Through a mosaic of schoolwide strategies and practices focused on social-emotional learning, Symonds Elementary provides students with a safe, supportive space and ensures that students are ready and available for deeper learning.
Pearl-Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School: Building School Culture to Address Students’ Needs (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 8:33)
Pearl-Cohn establishes shared expectations, creates safe spaces, and teaches social and emotional skills to help students interact with each other and the staff in healthy and positive ways.
SEL: Direct Instruction Lesson Connected and Respected (Anchorage School District; 6:23)
One Anchorage School District teacher’s exemplar approach to social and emotional learning.
Creating a Positive Learning Environment (Edutopia; 4:10)
When students’ mental, emotional, and physical needs are met, they’re more likely to love school—and they learn more.
Social & Emotional Learning Creates a Foundation for Success (Austin Independent School District; 3:37)
This video from Austin shows SEL lessons taking place in a range of elementary classrooms and shares the perspectives of students, teachers, administrators, and district staff on the benefits of SEL.
Social Emotional Learning in Action in Dallas ISD Schools (Dallas ISD; 5:35)
Three Dallas ISD schools shared how they practice Social Emotional Learning in their campuses.
Why is Social and Emotional Learning Important for Equity in Education? (American Institutes for Research; 2:32)
How does social and emotional learning factor into educational equity work? In this video, Jameela Conway-Turner, a researcher at AIR offers a description of why SEL is critical to the work of equity, and how it can be implemented in service of equity.
Making Connections with Greetings at the Door (Edutopia; 2:44)
Research shows that greeting students as they come into class bolsters a feeling of belonging and readiness to learn.
“SEL”abrating Success (Atlanta Public Schools; 2:25)
Humphries Elementary found a great way to integrate SEL into their current school programs and practices. Principal Melanie Mitchell has organized a rally around student attendance for many years. During the September 2015 attendance celebration, Humphries added a SEL school wide morning meeting where each grade created and performed a greeting for the entire student body.
Weekly Circles: Building Community to Foster Academic Achievement (Edutopia; 5:24)
Structured weekly circle meetings create a strong school community and help students become better learners—and teachers have their own circle to work on relationships and improve their practice as well.
Check-In / Check-Out: Providing a Daily Support System for Students (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 3:44)
A brief meeting every morning and afternoon with an adult who is not a child’s teacher gives that student a chance to review their social and emotional goals, building their capacity to be successful.
Morning Meetings: Creating a Safe Space for Learning (Edutopia; 5:15)
At Symonds Elementary, teachers use morning meetings to develop valuable social-emotional skills, create a culture of respect and trust, and prepare students to learn.
SEL at B.E.S.T. Academy (Atlanta Public Schools; 3:04)
Check out how the faculty and staff of the 8th graders at B.E.S.T. Academy implement SEL into their daily instruction.
Letting Young People Lead With Their Identity (Edutopia; 2:00)
Karen Pittman describes how educators should support the development of healthy racial and cultural identities which are critical for promoting trust in schools and helping students thrive.
The Power of Relationships in School (Edutopia; 3:40)
Research shows that students who feel safe and supported by adults at school are better able to learn.
Cultivating Trust With One-on-One Time (Edutopia; 3:28)
For many struggling students, consistently spending informal time with a trusted educator supports emotional well-being and academic growth.
Knowing Every Child Through Index Card Rosters (Edutopia; 3:16)
By regularly reviewing students’ behavior and learning as a team, teachers can ensure that every student is seen, supported, and celebrated.
6 Ways to be an Antiracist Educator (Edutopia; 2:54)
Dena Simmons describes specific ways to apply an antiracist lens through greater self awareness, social awareness, and relationship skills.
Focus on Adult SEL (CASEL & ThinkTV PBS; 5:11)
Learn ways to cultivate a community of adults who engage in their own social and emotional learning and model SEL throughout the school. This video is part of a series that provides practical applications for educators pursuing high-quality, schoolwide SEL.
SEL 3 Signature Practices: Adult SEL (CASEL; 4:37)
Video describing the SEL 3 signature practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in settings with adults, such as a meeting or professional learning.
Rethink SEL & Equity: Culturally Responsive Teaching (Rethink Ed; 0:50)
This short video explores the link between SEL and culturally responsive teaching practices.
How Do SEL Skills Come into Play for You as an Adult? (Anchorage School District; 2:19)
Interview with a teacher in Anchorage reflecting on her own social and emotional development and how she models for her students.
Improving the Well-being of Teachers and Students (Garrison Institute, 3:42)
The CARE for Teachers program (Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education) recognizes the importance of SEL skills for teachers to help them manage stressful working conditions.
Tap-In / Tap-Out: Giving Teachers Time to Recharge (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 1:47)
Sometimes teachers need a minute to take a breath and refocus. A tap-in, tap-out strategy allows them to call in support so they can step out of their room.
Compass Camp: Professional Training for Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 5:49)
Educators from around the country experience Valor’s unique model for social and emotional learning.
The Flock: Supporting Teachers Through Peer Feedback (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 3:42)
Teachers work in small support groups to build consistency about expectations of student behavior and the level of rigor in teaching across the curriculum.
Oakland Mills Scholars SEL Integration (Oakland Unified School District, Mills College; 5:10)
A program collaboration between the district and a college that uses teacher collaborative inquiry to understand the intersection of SEL and academic learning.
What is the Social Brain? (Edutopia; 2:34)
The research is in: Learning is a social endeavor.
Masters of Social Learning (Edutopia; 2:25)
We’re hardwired from birth to decode facial expression, posture, and tone of voice—and to work collaboratively.
When the Social Brain Misfires (Edutopia; 2:47)
Sometimes our powerful urge to belong can hurt us. We look at how stereotypes undermine learning.
The Science of Learning and Development (Edutopia; 5:20)
The research is clear: Strong relationships with educators help students develop the cognitive skills they need to learn and thrive.
Restorative Circles: Creating a Safe Environment for Students to Reflect (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 3:44)
A daily meeting provides space for students to reflect on their behavior and find positive ways to resolve conflicts.
Chicago Student Code of Conduct (Chicago Public Schools; 6:29)
This short video helps students and their families understand Chicago’s student code of conduct and highlights the district’s SEL-infused approach to student discipline.
A Restorative Approach to Discipline (Chicago Public Schools; 5:02)
From Chicago Public Schools’ Office of Social and Emotional Learning, this video illustrates how restorative disciplinary practices have transformed school climate and relationships in 3 schools.
In Oakland, Reinventing School Policing (Oakland Unified School District, Edutopia; 3:48)
Article and video about Oakland schools’ partnership with police and special SEL training for school-based officers.
Decreasing Problem Behaviors: How Social-Emotional Learning Can Help (Committee for Children; 2:15)
Problem behaviors can be the result of poor self-regulation and social-emotional skills, and they’re often indicators of future problems such as delinquency and substance abuse.
Webinar: Looking at the Intersection of Student Agency and School Discipline Practices (Center for the Collaborative Classroom, Transforming Education; 49:10)
An in-depth discussion of the connections between student agency and school discipline from the Center for the Collaborative Classroom and Transforming Education. Presenters share ways schools can use student-centered disciplinary practices to cultivate social and emotional skills and empower student voice.
Social and emotional learning: Trish Shaffer at TEDx University of Nevada (TEDx; 10:49)
Trish Shaffer is the Coordinator for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for the Washoe County School District (WCSD). In this talk, she discusses the practice and value of social and emotional learning.
Activating the Brain With Movement Breaks (Edutopia; 3:12)
Research has shown that short movement breaks help students get focused, improving both skill-building and knowledge retention.
Getting Ready to Learn With Mindfulness (Edutopia; 4:20)
Research shows that taking some time each day to practice mindfulness as a class helps students prepare themselves for learning.
Peace Corner: Creating Safe Space for Reflection (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 2:39)
Students practice self-regulation and manage their stress and frustration in a de-escalation space in each classroom.
Getting Started with Trauma-Informed Practices (Edutopia; 3:47)
When teachers use strategies tailored to children who have experienced trauma, all students reap the emotional and academic benefits.
Fall-Hamilton Elementary: Transitioning to Trauma-Informed Practices to Support Learning (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 8:11)
A strong focus on relationships, social and emotional learning, and understanding students’ mental health informs how Fall-Hamilton’s staff interacts with students.
De-Escalation Spaces: Helping Students Manage Emotions (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 3:39)
Giving students a chance to step back from a tense situation and take time to cool down and reflect teaches them to manage their emotions and builds resilience and grit.
Authentic Family Partnerships (CASEL & ThinkTV PBS; 5:36)
Discover the importance of creating meaningful SEL partnerships and two-way communication with families. This video is part of a series that provides practical applications for educators pursuing high-quality, schoolwide SEL.
SEL for Parents; SEL for Parents in Spanish (CASEL; Chicago Public Schools; 8:31)
This video provides an overview of the important role parents and families play in social and emotional learning in school communities, including sharing from parents about their role in modeling, teaching and reinforcing key competencies related to SEL for their kids.
Using Weekly Surveys to Assess Family Wellness (Edutopia; 2:51)
While this strategy was initiated during the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of technology to promote frequent communication and wellness checks for families can be an enduring practice.
How do Families Respond to SEL? (Anchorage School District; 1:33)
A 5th grade teacher speaks about how she introduces SEL to families, has students share their learning with their families, and hears feedback from families about how they see the impact of SEL at home.
Elevating Student Voice Through Senior Talks (Edutopia, 3:48)
High school seniors build confidence by documenting their growth and learning in a speech presented to their families and the school community.
Naperville 203’s Social Emotional Learning (NCTV17; 8:23)
Dr. Christine Igoe and Lisa Xagas have been spearheading the District’s early childhood expansion and developing Naperville 203 as a leader in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) at all ages. The pair also explore the importance of authentic family engagement and parent involvement for social emotional learning.
NBC Parent Toolkit: Supporting Social & Emotional Development (NBCUniversal; 4 videos under 1 minute)
This video series is made for a parent audience and shares strategies to help young people practice calming, identifying emotions, building social skills, and decision-making.
Emotional Intelligence: A Factor in Student Success (in Spanish) (Sacramento Unified School District, Univision; 2:32)
Univision segment featuring preschool students and their families in a Sacramento school, and how SEL has supported their transition.
SEL 3 Signature Practices – Out-of-School Time (CASEL; 5:06)
Video describing the SEL 3 Signature Practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in before and after school settings.
Scaffolding Academics with Social and Emotional Skills in the Afterschool Space (Edutopia; 4:06)
Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond and educators from the Wings Afterschool Program share how afterschool programs support student academic growth through creative practices that strengthen executive function, self-regulation, focus, and decision-making.
This is Afterschool: Social & Emotional Skills for Success (Afterschool Alliance; 0:43)
Afterschool programs are engaging children and youth in safe and supportive settings, where they learn social and emotional skills that allow them to thrive.
Engaging Children in After School Programs (Parks and Recreation Ontario; 3:40)
This video provides high-level strategies for engaging youth in after school programs, including links to the social emotional competencies.
Social and Emotional Learning After-School Program Gives Kids Wings (Edutopia; 2:54)
This program in South Carolina teaches elementary school children skills for success in school and life, with social emotional learning built into all activities and lessons.
The Impact of SEL (CASEL, 1:14)
The research is clear: SEL is essential for academic and life success. In this video, district and CASEL leadership highlight data that demonstrates improvements in attendance, drop out rates, suspensions, expulsions, and academic growth, as SEL implementation took root.
Continuous Improvement for Social and Emotional Learning: Establishing Your Goals (CASEL, 1:59)
Strong goals will help you make strategic decisions about what actions you’ll need to take each year and allow you to track progress for continuous improvement. This video demonstrates the process of setting a clear, measurable goal for SEL.
Social Emotional Learning: Goal-Setting and Relationships are Part of District’s Academic Core (Washoe County School District, EdWeek; 6:34)
Describes Washoe County School District’s process for developing SEL metrics for instructional purposes and growth.
What is social and emotional learning? (CASEL; 3:22)
In this inspirational introductory video, CASEL is joined by educators, students, parents, and community leaders to answer this question.
SEL 101: What are the core competencies and key settings? (CASEL; 4:50)
An introduction at a more detailed level, this video summarizes the CASEL framework (a.k.a. “the Wheel”) for SEL.
Social and Emotional Learning: What is it and why is it important? (Committee for Children; 2:54)
Exploring how social-emotional skills helps young people manage emotions, have empathy, solve problems, make responsible decisions, and maintain healthy relationships.
Social-Emotional Learning – Explained (Education Week; 3:27)
A writer for Education Week explores some of the core ideas of SEL.
Five Keys to Social and Emotional Learning Success (Edutopia; 6:02)
Explore the classroom practices that make up the best and most effective SEL programs.
The Impact of SEL (CASEL, 1:14)
The research is clear: SEL is essential for academic and life success. In this video, district and CASEL leadership highlight data that demonstrates improvements in attendance, dropout rates, suspensions, expulsions, and academic growth, as SEL implementation took root.
SEL: Creating Safe & Supportive Learning Environments (CASEL, 1:48)
Creating a safe, supportive environment for social and emotional learning (SEL) has been, and remains, a high priority for CASEL. It is inherent in our focus on integrating SEL into all aspects of school and district practice through a systemic approach.
A Breakthrough in Social and Emotional Learning (Edutopia; 3:36)
Louisville, Kentucky, committed to a districtwide CARE for Kids program; two years later, the positive results are rolling in.
Austin ISD: Social and Emotional Learning Creates a Foundation for Success (Austin Independent School District; 3:37)
This video from Austin shows SEL lessons taking place in a range of elementary classrooms and shares the perspectives of students, teachers, administrators, and district staff on the benefits of SEL.
Social and Emotional Learning (Sacramento City Unified School District; 5:06)
Provides a look inside Sacramento City Unified School District’s Social and Emotional Learning efforts, including teacher and leadership input, footage of classroom conversation, and showcasing youth voice.
Social Emotional Learning in Atlanta Public Schools (Atlanta Public Schools; 5:14)
Atlanta Public Schools has made Social and Emotional Learning a district priority because these life skills are a foundation for the academic successes of our students.
CASEL: Overview (CASEL, 6:14)
Overview of CASEL’s social and emotional learning vision and charge, including context from organizational leadership, partner district superintendents and youth, with motivational data and evidence woven throughout as a call to action.
Metro Nashville Public Schools: Integrating Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (Metro Nashville Public Schools; 7:45)
This 168-school district collaborates with every school to integrate SEL into the school culture and instruction.
Marcus Garvey Elementary: Exemplary Supportive School (Chicago Public Schools; 8:50)
Chicago Public Schools recognizes schools for systemic SEL implementation through a Supportive Schools Certification process. Marcus Garvey Elementary is one of the schools that has earned the highest certification level, and this video illustrates the ways SEL has been integrated into systems and practices.
Social and emotional learning: Trish Shaffer at TEDxUniversityofNevada (TEDx; 10:49)
Trish Shaffer is the Coordinator for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for the Washoe County School District (WCSD). In this talk, she discusses the practice and value of social and emotional learning.
Rethink SEL & Equity: Culturally Responsive Teaching (Rethink Ed; 0:50)
This short video explores the link between SEL and culturally responsive teaching practices.
Creating Equity in Schools (ESC Region 13; 1:00)
Professor Pedro Noguera speaks about how educators can create equity by creating a positive learning climate, getting to know students, and making teaching relevant to students’ lives.
Letting Young People Lead With Their Identity (Edutopia; 2:00)
Karen Pittman describes how educators should support the development of healthy racial and cultural identities which are critical for promoting trust in schools and helping students thrive.
Why is Social and Emotional Learning Important for Equity in Education? (American Institutes for Research; 2:32)
How does social and emotional learning factor into educational equity work? In this video, Jameela Conway-Turner, a researcher at AIR offers a description of why SEL is critical to the work of equity, and how it can be implemented in service of equity.
6 Ways to be an Antiracist Educator (Edutopia; 2:54)
Dena Simmons describes specific ways to apply an antiracist lens through greater self awareness, social awareness, and relationship skills.
This is Equity (Alliance for Continuous Improvement; 6:45)
Featuring the voices of young people in California, this video frames problems of inequity and structural racism, the importance of listening to students to learn what they need to succeed, and the connection between educational equity and a sense of belonging in school.
2017 National Teacher of the Year Sydney Chaffee Addresses NCSC18 (Public Charters; 19:01)
This video highlights the 2017 National Teacher of the Year, Sydney Chaffee’s, discussion of implementing issues of race and equity into the language and content of a Social Studies classroom. Her practitioner lens, although not explicitly labeled as SEL or transformative SEL, is a powerful lens for approaching the work.
Webinar: Leveraging SEL to Promote Equity (CASEL; 59:04)
Webinar highlighting district challenges and promising practices, featuring Dr. Rob Jagers’ review of research on SEL’s connection to equitable outcomes for diverse student populations.
The Impact of SEL (CASEL, 1:14)
The research is clear: SEL is essential for academic and life success. In this video, district and CASEL leadership highlight data that demonstrates improvements in attendance, dropout rates, suspensions, expulsions, and academic growth, as SEL implementation took root.
3 Ways the Every Student Succeeds Act Supports Social Emotional Learning for Students and Teachers (The 74; 1:34)
The Every Student Succeeds Act allows states to fund social-emotional learning programs in three distinct ways, focusing on schools with large populations of low-income students; on teachers’ social-emotional health and training to help them share these skills with their students; and on support for schools that ensures their students are safe and healthy.
CASEL: Commitment to SEL from Superintendents Nationwide (CASEL, 3:07)
Superintendents from large urban districts across the country share their “why” for championing social and emotional learning and highlight how this focus has positively impacted their communities.
A Breakthrough in Social and Emotional Learning (Edutopia; 3:36)
Louisville, Kentucky committed to a districtwide CARE for Kids program; two years later, the positive results are rolling in.
Social Emotional Learning: Goal-Setting and Relationships are Part of District’s Academic Core (Washoe County School District, EdWeek; 6:34)
Describes Washoe County School District’s process for developing SEL metrics for instructional purposes and growth.
Social & Emotional Learning Creates a Foundation for Success (Austin Independent School District; 3:37)
This video from Austin shows SEL lessons taking place in a range of elementary classrooms and shares the perspectives of students, teachers, administrators, and district staff on the benefits of SEL.
The Flock: Supporting Teachers Through Peer Feedback (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 3:42)
Teachers work in small support groups to build consistency about expectations of student behavior and the level of rigor in teaching across the curriculum.
Social Emotional Learning in Action in Dallas ISD Schools (Dallas ISD; 5:35)
Three Dallas ISD schools shared how they practice Social Emotional Learning in their campuses.
Compass Camp: Professional Training for Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (Edutopia, Metro Nashville Public Schools; 5:49)
Educators from around the country experience Valor’s unique model for social and emotional learning.
What is CASEL? (CASEL, 1:43)
An introductory video to the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), including how the organization was developed, how the work is organized into research, policy and practice, and what the organization’s mission means in practice.
CASEL: In the Beginning (CASEL; 2:34)
From the inaugural SEL Exchange in 2019, this video explores where the movement for SEL – and the origins of CASEL – began.
The “Together for SEL” Pledge (CASEL; 3:18)
Made for the conclusion of the 2020 SEL Virtual Summit, education leaders and advocates shared their commitment to SEL to promote healthy identity development, agency, and belonging for all young people.
2019 Social and Emotional Learning Exchange (CASEL; 2:49)
Highlights and overview from the inaugural SEL Exchange in 2019.
The CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL (CASEL, 3:14)
In this overview of the School Guide, viewers become oriented to the resource, including what the function and purpose of the School Guide is, how it works, and how it can inform a school’s practice.
What is CASEL’s Collaborating Districts Initiative? (CASEL, 5:40)
This video provides an overview of CASEL’s Collaborating Districts Initiative, highlighting how these districts come together to share expertise, learn together, and grow the SEL movement.
CASEL Cross Districts Learning Event (Sacramento City Unified School District, CASEL; 6:19)
Video produced by Sacramento City Unified School District students during the CASEL 2019 Cross Districts Learning event. The theme was “Growing Hearts and Minds: Interrupting Inequity and Achieving Academic Success Through SEL.”