Community Partnerships (Aligned Community Partnerships): Schools and community partners aligning on common language, strategies, and communication around all SEL-related efforts and initiatives, including out-of-school time. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
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These guiding questions support work with out-of-school time (OST) staff and planning for deepening OST partnerships as part of continuous improvement. |
Private: Continuous Improvement Connection: Community Partnerships This tool provides an example of how out-of-school-time activities could be better coordinated with SEL strategies. |
Private: Continuous Improvement Connection: Family Partnerships This tool provides an example of how to improve attendance at family-oriented SEL events as part of Focus Area 4. |
Strategies for Establishing School-Family Partnerships in Support of SEL This tool suggests ways that the SEL team can further engage families in learning about, supporting, and promoting SEL. |
Strategies for Establishing School-OST-Family Partnerships in Support of SEL This tool suggests ways that the SEL team can further engage families in learning about, supporting, and promoting SEL. |
Private: Continuous Improvement Connection: Community Partnerships (OST) This tool (OST version) provides an example of how out-of-school-time activities could be better coordinated with SEL strategies. |
Coordinating SEL Work with Community Partners This tool offers guidance on how an SEL team can leverage community partnerships intentionally by developing an inventory of partnerships, finding opportunities to deepen SEL alignment and practice, and planning for collaborative communication and continuous improvement. |
Key Responsibilities of an SEL-Family Lead (OST) The SEL-Family Lead will coordinate efforts to create authentic family partnerships to promote sitewide social and emotional learning. |
Key Responsibilities of a School-Family Partnership Lead The School-Family Partnership Lead will coordinate efforts to create authentic school-family partnerships to promote schoolwide social and emotional learning. |
Leverage strategic and aligned community partnerships that ensure students receive consistent SEL supports, increase access to a broad range of community services, and expand the professional learning opportunities for SEL.