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SEL through Distance Learning: Teacher Self-Assessment Assess your strengths and areas to develop as you promote SEL through distance learning and at-home assignments. |
SEL in the Classroom Self-Assessment This tool can be used to assess strengths and areas to develop for promoting SEL through explicit instruction, integration into academic instruction, and a supportive classroom climate. |
Social-Emotional Learning Assessment Measures for Middle School Youth The purpose of the current review is to identify valid, reliable, and useable school-wide assessments for social/emotional well-being of youth and to help schools and districts identify tools that could be useful in determining the success of the programs created to improve student social/emotional well-being. |
Educator Self-Assessment (OST) This (OST) tool allows educators to track their use of integration strategies and make notes about which strategies they wish to use more often. |
Private: Teacher Self-Assessment: Integrating SEL into Daily Instruction This tool allows teachers to track their use of integration strategies and make notes about which strategies they wish to use more often. |
Private: Teacher Self-Assessment: Explicit SEL Instruction With this tool, teachers can periodically to monitor the level of SEL implementation in their classrooms. |
Private: Teacher Self Assessment: Creating a Supportive Classroom Environment Teachers can use this tool to reflect on the level and quality of SEL implementation. |
Private: Continuous Improvement Connection: Youth Social and Emotional Competence (OST) This tool (OST version) provides an example of how to use assessment data to shed light on youths' strengths and areas of improvement as part of Focus Area 4. |
Private: Continuous Improvement Connection: Student Social and Emotional Competence This tool provides an example of how to use assessment data to shed light on students' strengths and areas of improvement as part of Focus Area 4. |
Continuously Improve Schoolwide SEL Implementation
Use the PDSA cycle to drive high-quality schoolwide SEL implementation.