Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
The collaborative process of developing a vision helps foster a sense of shared ownership over SEL. It asks staff, students, families, and community partners to reflect on why they are doing this work and what they want for their students and their school. An SEL vision statement launches the planning process and guides goal setting, […]
Monitoring and reflecting on your progress toward Schoolwide SEL is an important part of quality implementation. Here are three tools that can help.
Once you have an SEL team in place and you have developed your understanding of what schoolwide SEL looks like in practice, it is time to expand the conversation to the rest of the school community, including staff, students, parents and caregivers, and key community partners. Together you’ll develop a shared vision of where you […]
The SEL team is a dedicated, representative group of individuals whose task is to lead a coordinated approach and continuous improvement of schoolwide SEL implementation. They will take the lead to gather stakeholder perspectives and input to distill core goals for SEL, to design an implementation plan, and to track progress and outcomes to drive […]
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Strategies for Establishing School-OST-Family Partnerships in Support of SEL
By making the time to build the relationships that allow learners to feel a sense of community- that they are “in this together”- teachers create a safer, more equitable environment where all students participate and achieve.
Focus Area 1b: Continuous Improvement Connections
The core tool used in this guide is the Schoolwide SEL Implementation Rubric. The rubric provides an overview of a systemic approach to schoolwide SEL, and teams can review it to get a sense of what SEL looks like when it is coordinated across classrooms, the school, homes, and the community.
Social and emotional learning is essential to every child’s education.