School Climate: The "quality and character of school life" based on how members of the school community experience school and the school's "norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching, learning and leadership practices, and organizational structures" (Reference: National School Climate Council). National School Climate Council
Focus Area 1A: Continuous Improvement Connections
The SEL team has an important role in leading schoolwide SEL. The team can be strengthened over time using continuous improvement techniques.
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CASEL Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough
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Set goals and action steps to cultivate SEL for adults
Supporting adults to engage in their own social and emotional learning, collaborating on strategies to promote SEL, and modeling SEL throughout the school is an essential part of schoolwide SEL. More than just professional learning, the SEL team should also take steps to foster a supportive work environment where SEL is part of the way […]
Schoolwide SEL in International Settings
This page contains CASEL resources that have been particularly helpful for educators within an international context.
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Focus Area 1b: Continuous Improvement Connections
The core tool used in this guide is the Schoolwide SEL Implementation Rubric. The rubric provides an overview of a systemic approach to schoolwide SEL, and teams can review it to get a sense of what SEL looks like when it is coordinated across classrooms, the school, homes, and the community.
Foster supportive classroom environments that engage in explicit SEL and integrate SEL throughout instruction.
Share learning from this year and plan for next year
Use summative data to evaluate progress toward goals, report out on successes and challenges, reflect with staff, students, and families, and establish new or updated goals and action steps for the year to come.
Academic mindsets are beliefs or ways of perceiving oneself in relation to learning, and lay the groundwork for deep academic, social and emotional learning.