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SEL-Integrated Sample Lesson Plans This tool helps teachers identify where within lesson plans SEL practices are already present, or where they might be included. |
SEL Integrated Lesson Planning Checklist This tool helps teachers identify where within lesson plans SEL practices are already present or where they might be included. |
Explicit SEL instruction refers to consistent opportunities for students to cultivate, practice, and reflect on social and emotional competencies in ways that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive.
When instructional practices actively involve students in making meaning of content, they are more deeply engaged in their learning and have meaningful opportunities to practice SEL skills.
A Supportive Classroom Environment
A supportive and equitable environment in all classrooms serves as a platform for all academic, social and emotional learning. At the core of a supportive classroom is a caring, engaging teacher who establishes authentic trusting relationships with each student.
This collection of videos from CASEL, collaborating districts, and other producers are sorted by the Ten Indicators of Schoolwide SEL and other key categories to support you in visualizing, communicating, and generating discussion about SEL.
Adopt an Evidence-Based Program for SEL
Evidence-based SEL programs are grounded in research and principles of child and adolescent development, and scientifically evaluated and shown to produce positive student outcomes.
Aligning SEL and Academic Objectives
As your SEL team works with teachers to align SEL and academic objectives, it’s also important to consider how the content is delivered so that it supports the practice of social and emotional competencies.
By making the time to build the relationships that allow learners to feel a sense of community- that they are “in this together”- teachers create a safer, more equitable environment where all students participate and achieve.
Integration of SEL and Academics
Social and emotional competencies serve as a foundation for achieving academic goals, while academic instruction also provides a ripe opportunity for teaching and practicing SEL.