Continuous Improvement: Deliberate and structured process to address problems or improve outcomes. This involves collecting and using implementation and outcome data to improve all SEL-related systems, practices, and policies with a focus on equity. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
Create meaningful partnership opportunities and two-way communication that invites families to understand, experience, inform, and support the social and emotional development of their students.
A list of the written sources
Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement Connections
A safe and supportive school climate is an important factor for improving academic, behavioral, and mental health outcomes for students (Thapa, 2013).
Establish Discipline Policies that Promote SEL
When discipline policies and practices are supportive, developmentally-appropriate, and equitable, they reinforce SEL and support stronger relationships, student engagement, and equitable outcomes.
Define Team Member Roles and Responsibilities
To ensure meetings are productive, it’s a good idea to define team roles and responsibilities, and strive to share work equitably.
This collection of videos from CASEL, collaborating districts, and other producers are sorted by the Ten Indicators of Schoolwide SEL and other key categories to support you in visualizing, communicating, and generating discussion about SEL.
FAQs on Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
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This process helps schools create an environment that supports students in developing the academic, social, and emotional competencies that they need to navigate the world.
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