Promote SEL for Students
The SEL team has not yet prioritized school climate efforts.
The SEL team is beginning to plan school climate improvement efforts. Schoolwide norms and shared agreements have been collaboratively developed and aligned to the school's SEL vision.
The SEL team meets regularly to plan school climate improvement efforts and is beginning to collect climate data. Schoolwide norms, shared agreements, routines, and procedures support the school's SEL vision and climate.
The SEL team regularly assesses climate (through observational data, surveys, etc.) and meets regularly to plan improvement efforts based on data. Schoolwide norms, shared agreements, routines, and procedures support the school's SEL vision and climate.
What is the relationship between SEL and school climate?
Systemic SEL implementation is intricately tied to school climate. SEL efforts both contribute to and depend upon a climate where all students and adults feel respected, supported, and engaged.
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