Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
Social and emotional learning is essential to every child’s education.
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Schoolwide SEL helps students excel academically, build stronger relationships, and lead happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.
If you are new to the CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL, start by getting more familiar with the 10 indicators of schoolwide SEL as this will serve as a reference point as you work with your school community to develop a vision for SEL. You’ll also want to begin recruiting a solid team to distribute […]
Focus Area 1b: Continuous Improvement Connections
The core tool used in this guide is the Schoolwide SEL Implementation Rubric. The rubric provides an overview of a systemic approach to schoolwide SEL, and teams can review it to get a sense of what SEL looks like when it is coordinated across classrooms, the school, homes, and the community.
FAQs on Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
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A list of the written sources
Schoolwide SEL in International Settings
This page contains CASEL resources that have been particularly helpful for educators within an international context.
Build on Strengths and Experience
Schools, like the greater society, are becoming increasingly more diverse in culture, ethnicity, race, language, values, and beliefs. This diversity has countless positive benefits, but it can also present challenges.