Cultivate a community of adults who engage in their own social and emotional learning, collaborate on strategies for promoting SEL, and model SEL throughout the school.
Foster supportive classroom environments that engage in explicit SEL and integrate SEL throughout instruction.
Connect and Collaborate With Families
Mentoring programs can help teachers improve their professional relationships while enhancing their SEL and instructional practice.
Connect and Collaborate Among Staff
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Academic mindsets are beliefs or ways of perceiving oneself in relation to learning, and lay the groundwork for deep academic, social and emotional learning.
Review your current level of implementation, identify needs and resources, set goals, and develop concrete action steps for SEL implementation.
Establish a structured, ongoing process to collect, reflect on, and use implementation and outcome data to inform school-level decisions and drive improvements to SEL implementation.
Build foundational support by establishing an SEL team, fostering SEL awareness, and developing a shared vision.
Develop a coordinated approach for supporting students’ social and emotional learning across the school, classrooms, homes, and communities.
While your team works to align school discipline policies to SEL, it’s important to ensure that all classrooms consistently reinforce a student-centered approach to discipline.