Evidence-based SEL program: Programs grounded in research and principles of child and adolescent development, and scientifically evaluated and shown to produce positive student outcomes. CASEL identifies high-quality evidence-based programs as those that are well-designed to systematically promote students’ social and emotional competence, provide opportunities for practice, offer multi-year programming, and provide high-quality training and ongoing implementation support. School Guide + Program Guide
While your team works to align school discipline policies to SEL, it’s important to ensure that all classrooms consistently reinforce a student-centered approach to discipline.
When instructional practices actively involve students in making meaning of content, they are more deeply engaged in their learning and have meaningful opportunities to practice SEL skills.
CASEL Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough
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Expand adult learning through structures such as professional learning communities and mentoring opportunities.
Before launching an SEL action plan, it’s important to take stock of what is going on across your school and previous SEL-related efforts. Build on your strengths and learn from members of your school community who have seen many initiatives come and go by honoring and reflecting on the work that has come before.
Set goals and action steps to promote SEL for students
The core of SEL implementation is promoting students’ social and emotional learning throughout the school day and in partnership with families and communities. Because student learning is influenced by their interactions across many relationships and environments, promoting student SEL requires thoughtful coordination of strategies across the settings where students live and learn.
Schoolwide SEL is evidenced by indicators in the classroom, school, family, and community.
Explore the indicators of schoolwide SEL
Schoolwide SEL is a systemic approach to integrating academic, social, and emotional learning across all school contexts. This approach provides a learning environment that infuses SEL into all aspects of instruction and promotes equitable outcomes for all students, and is evidenced by these indicators.