Strengthen Adult SEL
Staff do not yet engage in high-quality SEL-related professional learning to develop their skills for cultivating supportive, equitable learning environments and promoting SEL for students.
Some staff engage in high-quality professional learning to develop their skills for cultivating supportive, equitable learning environments and promoting SEL for students.
Staff engage in high-quality professional learning multiple times throughout the year to develop their skills for cultivating supportive, equitable learning environments and promoting SEL for students. These professional learning opportunities are aligned to the school's SEL goals and scaffolded to support staff based on their roles and current knowledge of SEL.
Staff engage in high-quality and ongoing professional learning, including receiving coaching and feedback. These professional learning opportunities develop their skills for cultivating supportive, equitable learning environments and promoting SEL for students; are aligned to the school's SEL goals; and scaffolded to support staff based on their roles and current knowledge of SEL. The SEL team collects staff feedback to shape an effective approach to ongoing support and coaching.
Why is high-quality professional learning important?
Effective schoolwide SEL implementation relies on adults who examine their own social and emotional competence, collaborate with peers to practice new SEL strategies, and develop skills for cultivating supportive, equitable learning environments. Ongoing, high-quality professional learning can support all staff in these endeavors.
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