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Promote SEL for Students
The school has not yet dedicated time for students to learn about, reflect on, and discuss SEL competencies through developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive instruction.
Some students have dedicated time during the school day to learn about, reflect on, and discuss SEL competencies through developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive instruction.
All students have dedicated time during the school day to learn about, reflect on, and discuss SEL competencies through developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive instruction. SEL instruction is provided by teachers; is sequenced with connected and coordinated activities; uses active forms of learning; focuses on developing social and emotional skills; and explicitly targets specific SEL goals.
All students have dedicated time during the school day to learn about, reflect on, and discuss SEL competencies through developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive instruction. SEL instruction is provided by teachers; is sequenced with connected and coordinated activities; uses active forms of learning; focuses on developing social and emotional skills; and explicitly targets specific SEL goals. SEL instruction is connected to other opportunities for practicing and reflecting on SEL competencies throughout the day.
What does explicit SEL look like?
Explicit SEL instruction provides students with consistent opportunities to cultivate, practice, and reflect on social and emotional competencies in ways that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive. Evidence-based programs can support explicit instruction implementation.
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