Promote SEL for Students
Teachers have not yet prioritized the integration of SEL into instruction.
SEL standards/goals are embedded in academic learning in some classrooms. Some teachers use classroom discussion and collaborative structures to engage students, and encourage students to connect their perspectives and experiences to instruction.
SEL standards/goals are clearly embedded in academic learning. All teachers use classroom discussions and collaborative structures to engage students. Teachers encourage students to connect their perspectives and experiences to instruction.
SEL standards/goals are clearly embedded in academic learning, and students regularly share their perspectives on how social and emotional competencies connect to what they're learning. Teachers actively engage students in co-constructing knowledge and making meaning of content through classroom discussions and collaborative structures. Teachers use intentional strategies to foster student ownership over their learning, including connecting their perspectives and experiences to instruction.
How can SEL and academics be integrated?
SEL can be woven throughout academic instructional time by helping students develop academic mindsets, aligning SEL and academic lesson plans, and by using interactive instructional practices and structures to promote SEL.
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