Communication: When schools send regular, coherent messages about SEL that are consistent in tone and content, while also ensuring they listen and respond to the inputs, ideas and needs of stakeholders (including staff, students, families, community partners, etc.). This is most likely to happen when schools take the time to learn more about the stakeholders they serve and use strategies to create personal connections.
Support staff in cultivating personal social and emotional competencies and fostering the competencies of peers and students.
Professional Learning About SEL
As staff use shared agreements to guide their interactions, it’s essential that they also reflect on their own social and emotional growth.
Create meaningful partnership opportunities and two-way communication that invites families to understand, experience, inform, and support the social and emotional development of their students.
This collection of videos from CASEL, collaborating districts, and other producers are sorted by the Ten Indicators of Schoolwide SEL and other key categories to support you in visualizing, communicating, and generating discussion about SEL.
Staff, Caregiver, & Community Partner Survey
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When instructional practices actively involve students in making meaning of content, they are more deeply engaged in their learning and have meaningful opportunities to practice SEL skills.
A Supportive Classroom Environment
A supportive and equitable environment in all classrooms serves as a platform for all academic, social and emotional learning. At the core of a supportive classroom is a caring, engaging teacher who establishes authentic trusting relationships with each student.
Build on Strengths and Experience
Schools, like the greater society, are becoming increasingly more diverse in culture, ethnicity, race, language, values, and beliefs. This diversity has countless positive benefits, but it can also present challenges.
Leverage strategic and aligned community partnerships that ensure students receive consistent SEL supports, increase access to a broad range of community services, and expand the professional learning opportunities for SEL.