Continuously Improve Schoolwide SEL Implementation
Use the PDSA cycle to drive high-quality schoolwide SEL implementation.
Focus Area 1b: Continuous Improvement Connections
The core tool used in this guide is the Schoolwide SEL Implementation Rubric. The rubric provides an overview of a systemic approach to schoolwide SEL, and teams can review it to get a sense of what SEL looks like when it is coordinated across classrooms, the school, homes, and the community.
Review your current level of implementation, identify needs and resources, set goals, and develop concrete action steps for SEL implementation.
In addition to driving overall schoolwide SEL implementation, PDSA improvement cycles also provide a powerful structure for quickly testing specific innovative strategies to support SEL.
Before launching an SEL action plan, it’s important to take stock of what is going on across your school and previous SEL-related efforts. Build on your strengths and learn from members of your school community who have seen many initiatives come and go by honoring and reflecting on the work that has come before.
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Assess needs and resources to develop an SEL implementation plan with clear goals, action steps, and assigned ownership.