Restorative Practices: "An emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. The purpose or restorative practices is to build healthy communities, increase social capital, decrease crime and antisocial behavior, repair harm and restore relationships (Reference: International Institute of Restorative Practices)."
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Private: Professional Learning Plan
As the SEL team works to develop a schoolwide professional learning plan, staff can choose to take it one step further and develop their own personalized professional learning plan to support the school’s SEL goals.
When instructional practices actively involve students in making meaning of content, they are more deeply engaged in their learning and have meaningful opportunities to practice SEL skills.
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Build on Strengths and Experience
Schools, like the greater society, are becoming increasingly more diverse in culture, ethnicity, race, language, values, and beliefs. This diversity has countless positive benefits, but it can also present challenges.
Integrate Student Supports with SEL
By integrating SEL into student support services through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), schools are better equipped to ensure that all students have what they need to succeed.
Academic mindsets are beliefs or ways of perceiving oneself in relation to learning, and lay the groundwork for deep academic, social and emotional learning.
Aligning SEL and Academic Objectives
As your SEL team works with teachers to align SEL and academic objectives, it’s also important to consider how the content is delivered so that it supports the practice of social and emotional competencies.
Belonging and Emotional Safety
When teachers build the structures that support belonging and emotional safety, they lay the groundwork for students to focus on learning (Sergiovanni, 1994 in Darling-Hammond et al., 2017).
Foster a Supportive School Climate
Schoolwide norms help operationalize how all staff and students will contribute to a school culture that achieves their shared vision.