Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
Explore the indicators of schoolwide SEL
Schoolwide SEL is a systemic approach to integrating academic, social, and emotional learning across all school contexts. This approach provides a learning environment that infuses SEL into all aspects of instruction and promotes equitable outcomes for all students, and is evidenced by these indicators.
Implement and reflect on data to continuously improve
The SEL team meets regularly to drive the action plan forward, reflect on new data, and continuously improve SEL implementation to meet established SEL goals and respond to needs that arise.
Teacher stress has been found to affect teachers’ health and well-being, job satisfaction, turnover, and even student outcomes (Greenberg, Brown, & Abenavoli, 2016). For this reason, it’s essential that educators take time to prevent burnout, promote health, and protect themselves from the negative effects of stress.
Involve the full school community
Decisions about why and how to implement SEL should be made with the input of the broader school community. Lay the foundations for strong buy-in by ensuring all understand what SEL is and how it connects to their role and what they value. Establish two-way communication structures to invite perspectives, ideas, and feedback from staff, […]
This process helps schools create an environment that supports students in developing the academic, social, and emotional competencies that they need to navigate the world.
Private: Peer Consultancy Protocols
Empathetic listening and problem-solving are two social and emotional skills that educators frequently use. When staff use these skills to consult with their colleagues, they find ways to address challenges to schoolwide SEL implementation that everyone can act upon.
Private: A Brain-Based Model for Workplace Collaboration
When staff understand what motivates them and what motivates others, they are better equipped to work together in productive ways. This page can help teams explore what motivates them in the workplace.
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SEL is a powerful lever for creating caring, just, inclusive, and healthy communities that support all individuals in reaching their fullest potential.
Share learning from this year and plan for next year
Use summative data to evaluate progress toward goals, report out on successes and challenges, reflect with staff, students, and families, and establish new or updated goals and action steps for the year to come.