Norms: A set of agreed-upon expectations of how all staff and students will behave and interact to contribute to a positive school culture.
This collection of videos from CASEL, collaborating districts, and other producers are sorted by the Ten Indicators of Schoolwide SEL and other key categories to support you in visualizing, communicating, and generating discussion about SEL.
Teacher stress has been found to affect teachers’ health and well-being, job satisfaction, turnover, and even student outcomes (Greenberg, Brown, & Abenavoli, 2016). For this reason, it’s essential that educators take time to prevent burnout, promote health, and protect themselves from the negative effects of stress.
Establish a structured, ongoing process to collect, reflect on, and use implementation and outcome data to inform school-level decisions and drive improvements to SEL implementation.
Develop a coordinated approach for supporting students’ social and emotional learning across the school, classrooms, homes, and communities.
By making the time to build the relationships that allow learners to feel a sense of community- that they are “in this together”- teachers create a safer, more equitable environment where all students participate and achieve.
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An important part of building staff skills around SEL is modeling by school leaders. These strategies can provide ideas for administrators and leadership teams to build relationships and show staff they are cared for and appreciated.
Focus Area 1A: Continuous Improvement Connections
The SEL team has an important role in leading schoolwide SEL. The team can be strengthened over time using continuous improvement techniques.
Academic mindsets are beliefs or ways of perceiving oneself in relation to learning, and lay the groundwork for deep academic, social and emotional learning.