School Climate: The "quality and character of school life" based on how members of the school community experience school and the school's "norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching, learning and leadership practices, and organizational structures" (Reference: National School Climate Council). National School Climate Council
As the school year comes to a close, it is time to determine whether SEL implementation and outcome goals were met, share and reflect on successes and challenges with the school community, compile all lessons learned and use this new knowledge to set new goals or adjust previous goals and plans to reach them.
Monitoring and reflecting on your progress toward Schoolwide SEL is an important part of quality implementation. Here are three tools that can help.
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The Rubric can be completed separately in five sections as you work through each Focus Area, or all five sections can be completed together for a full implementation review. After completing the rubric, you can set goals and create a plan.
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If you are new to the CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL, start by getting more familiar with the 10 indicators of schoolwide SEL as this will serve as a reference point as you work with your school community to develop a vision for SEL. You’ll also want to begin recruiting a solid team to distribute […]
Once you have an SEL team in place and you have developed your understanding of what schoolwide SEL looks like in practice, it is time to expand the conversation to the rest of the school community, including staff, students, parents and caregivers, and key community partners. Together you’ll develop a shared vision of where you […]
Once you have developed a shared vision for SEL with your school community and taken stock of what is already in place and what has been tried in the past, it’s time to set SEL goals and make a plan to measure progress toward them.