The SEL team is a dedicated, representative group of individuals whose task is to lead a coordinated approach and continuous improvement of schoolwide SEL implementation. They will take the lead to gather stakeholder perspectives and input to distill core goals for SEL, to design an implementation plan, and to track progress and outcomes to drive continuous improvement.

Not Started

Key Resources

What to Read

Create a Representative SEL Team to Lead Implementation

An overview of the characteristics of a strong SEL team
(2 min. read)

Assemble an SEL Team

Describes who to bring onto the team, and why
(3 min. read)

Define Team Member Roles and Responsibilities

Sample team member role descriptions and best practices for sharing the workload
(3 min. read)

Build a Strong Team Dynamic

Best practices and tools for positive working relationships and productive meetings
(6 min. read)

What to Watch

SEL 3 Signature Practices: Adult SEL
Watch Video
SEL 3 Signature Practices: Adult SEL
CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL
Watch Video
CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL

Featured School Guide Tools

Assembling an SEL Team

Identify potential SEL team members to represent the school community
(4 min. read)

Role Descriptions

Tools on this page describe ways to share responsibility among team members and job descriptions for a team lead, data lead, school-family partnership lead, and other staff and student members.
(10 min. read)

Develop SEL Team Working Agreements

A collaborative process for establishing agreements that set the stage for sustainable division of responsibility, productive meetings, and a team culture that values differences of opinion and inclusion
(3 min.)

What's next