Family partnerships (Authentic Family Partnerships): Regular and meaningful opportunities for families and school staff to build relationships and collaborate to support students’ social, emotional, and academic development. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
Foster a Supportive School Climate
Schoolwide norms help operationalize how all staff and students will contribute to a school culture that achieves their shared vision.
This process helps schools create an environment that supports students in developing the academic, social, and emotional competencies that they need to navigate the world.
By building an SEL team that reflects the school community and incorporates many points of view, the school will be better able to meet its needs and build commitment to SEL.
Monitoring and reflecting on your progress toward Schoolwide SEL is an important part of quality implementation. Here are three tools that can help.
Model SEL with Students and Families
When staff model social and emotional competencies in their interactions with students and families, they intentionally embody SEL and set the stage for trusting relationships that catalyze learning and partnership.
Schoolwide SEL in International Settings
This page contains CASEL resources that have been particularly helpful for educators within an international context.
The SEL team is a dedicated, representative group of individuals whose task is to lead a coordinated approach and continuous improvement of schoolwide SEL implementation. They will take the lead to gather stakeholder perspectives and input to distill core goals for SEL, to design an implementation plan, and to track progress and outcomes to drive […]
The CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL provides an intentional and collaborative implementation process. Find out where to begin.
Expand adult learning through structures such as professional learning communities and mentoring opportunities.
Connect and Collaborate With Students
Professional learning communities provide an important opportunity to integrate SEL into existing practices, work collaboratively on the goals of schoolwide SEL, and cultivate their own social and emotional competencies.