Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
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12 Strategies for Adult SEL Facilitation Clear strategies for facilitating effective, SEL-infused professional learning. |
Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL The purpose of this tool is to help the SEL team progress from a broad, shared vision for SEL to specific, short-term SEL goals that will guide action steps for the coming year. It begins with guidance for determining SEL priorities, then sketching out a long-term implementation roadmap, and finally setting SMARTIE goals for year 1 of SEL implementation |
Summary – The SEL 3 Signature Practices (Spanish) Las 3 prácticas distintivas del SEL son una herramienta para fomentar un ambiente de apoyo y promover el SEL. Intencionalmente y explícitamente ayudan a construir un hábito de prácticas a través de las cuales los estudiantes y los adultos mejoran sus habilidades de SEL. Aunque no se trata de un plan de estudios de SEL, estas prácticas son un ejemplo concreto de una forma de ayudar a la gente a entender y practicar los objetivos de un plan general sistémico de implementación del SEL. |
Preparing SEL Team Meeting Agendas The SEL Team Meeting Agenda provides recommendations, samples, and a template for preparing agendas for SEL team meetings throughout the school year. Strong meeting agendas are inclusive of all team members, are grounded in your school's core SEL implementation goals, and consistently draw upon data to drive continuous improvement. |
SEL 101 Sample Introductory Presentation This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. It gives an overview of what is SEL, why it’s important, and the process for schoolwide SEL. Talking points and activity instructions are provided in the notes section. |
SEL 101 Sample Introductory Presentation (OST) This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. It gives an overview of what is SEL, why it’s important, and the process for sitewide SEL. Talking points and activity instructions are provided in the notes section. |
CASEL staff presented this webinar in collaboration with NAESP to share recommendations for how principals can coordinate and build upon SEL practices and programs to create an environment that infuses SEL into every part of students’ educational experience and promotes equitable outcomes. You can view a summary and the full webinar at |
Plan SEL Foundational Learning for the School Community This tool is designed to help SEL leaders prepare a broad plan and access resources to support foundational learning about SEL. It should be used in the early stages of schoolwide SEL implementation |
Schoolwide SEL Program and Initiative Inventory This tool is designed to help the SEL team learn about past and present SEL-related work that has occurred in the school. It includes an interview protocol and guidance for analyzing information from interviews or surveys to decide what SEL-related work should be built upon or reinstated. |
Systemic SEL Program and Initiative Inventory (OST version) This tool is designed to help the SEL team learn about past and present SEL-related work that has occurred. It includes an interview protocol and guidance for analyzing information from interviews or surveys to decide what SEL-related work should be built upon or reinstated. |