Shared Agreements: A consensus formed by a group that frames how members wish to interact and relate with each other. They are enforced by the group, rather than authority figure (Reference: National Equity Project).
Belonging and Emotional Safety
When teachers build the structures that support belonging and emotional safety, they lay the groundwork for students to focus on learning (Sergiovanni, 1994 in Darling-Hammond et al., 2017).
Academic mindsets are beliefs or ways of perceiving oneself in relation to learning, and lay the groundwork for deep academic, social and emotional learning.
Explicit SEL instruction refers to consistent opportunities for students to cultivate, practice, and reflect on social and emotional competencies in ways that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive.
Establish structures to support consistent two-way SEL communications between the SEL team and all stakeholders.
Define Team Member Roles and Responsibilities
To ensure meetings are productive, it’s a good idea to define team roles and responsibilities, and strive to share work equitably.
While your team works to align school discipline policies to SEL, it’s important to ensure that all classrooms consistently reinforce a student-centered approach to discipline.
Align schoolwide systems, policies, programs, and practices to promote SEL for students.
Involve the full school community
Decisions about why and how to implement SEL should be made with the input of the broader school community. Lay the foundations for strong buy-in by ensuring all understand what SEL is and how it connects to their role and what they value. Establish two-way communication structures to invite perspectives, ideas, and feedback from staff, […]
Share learning from this year and plan for next year
Use summative data to evaluate progress toward goals, report out on successes and challenges, reflect with staff, students, and families, and establish new or updated goals and action steps for the year to come.
CASEL Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough
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