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Tips and questions to help gain a deeper understanding of a user’s experience of the issue you are working on. |
Indicators of Sitewide SEL Walkthrough Protocol (OST) Look for signs of high-quality sitewide SEL implementation by observing for the indicators of sitewide SEL. |
Indicators of Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough Protocol Look for signs of high-quality schoolwide SEL implementation by observing for the indicators of schoolwide SEL. This tool is also available in Spanish. |
SEL Data Reflection Protocol (OST) This tool (OST version) presents a structured reflection process for stakeholders to observe trends and discuss ideas for continuous improvement of SEL implementation. It emphasizes the importance of examining data with an equity lens and elevating a range of perspectives when interpreting data. |
Schoolwide SEL Program and Initiative Inventory This tool is designed to help the SEL team learn about past and present SEL-related work that has occurred in the school. It includes an interview protocol and guidance for analyzing information from interviews or surveys to decide what SEL-related work should be built upon or reinstated. |
Systemic SEL Program and Initiative Inventory (OST version) This tool is designed to help the SEL team learn about past and present SEL-related work that has occurred. It includes an interview protocol and guidance for analyzing information from interviews or surveys to decide what SEL-related work should be built upon or reinstated. |
In addition to driving overall schoolwide SEL implementation, PDSA improvement cycles also provide a powerful structure for quickly testing specific innovative strategies to support SEL.
CASEL Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough
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A Supportive Classroom Environment
A supportive and equitable environment in all classrooms serves as a platform for all academic, social and emotional learning. At the core of a supportive classroom is a caring, engaging teacher who establishes authentic trusting relationships with each student.
Private: Peer Consultancy Protocols
Empathetic listening and problem-solving are two social and emotional skills that educators frequently use. When staff use these skills to consult with their colleagues, they find ways to address challenges to schoolwide SEL implementation that everyone can act upon.