Communication: When schools send regular, coherent messages about SEL that are consistent in tone and content, while also ensuring they listen and respond to the inputs, ideas and needs of stakeholders (including staff, students, families, community partners, etc.). This is most likely to happen when schools take the time to learn more about the stakeholders they serve and use strategies to create personal connections.
Engage all members of the school community in foundational learning opportunities to help them understand their role in schoolwide SEL.
FAQs on Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
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Continuously Improve Schoolwide SEL Implementation
Use the PDSA cycle to drive high-quality schoolwide SEL implementation.
Strategies for Establishing School-OST-Family Partnerships in Support of SEL
Support staff in modeling SEL competencies, mindsets, and skills throughout the school community.
Set goals and action steps to promote SEL for students
The core of SEL implementation is promoting students’ social and emotional learning throughout the school day and in partnership with families and communities. Because student learning is influenced by their interactions across many relationships and environments, promoting student SEL requires thoughtful coordination of strategies across the settings where students live and learn.
The SEL team serves as a model for positive practices that promote healthy relationships among adults, students, and families. It’s highly beneficial to build a strong team dynamic and positive working relationship by developing group norms and team routines.
Build foundational support by establishing an SEL team, fostering SEL awareness, and developing a shared vision.
Develop a coordinated approach for supporting students’ social and emotional learning across the school, classrooms, homes, and communities.