Shared Agreements: A consensus formed by a group that frames how members wish to interact and relate with each other. They are enforced by the group, rather than authority figure (Reference: National Equity Project).
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Desarrollar una declaración de objetivo del SEL Esta herramienta ayuda a desglosar su visión compartida en prioridades clave, esbozar un plan a largo, y establecer objectivos específicos para este año. |
Creación de acuerdos compartidos del personal Crear acuerdos de manera colaborativa sobre cómo el personal trabajará en conjunto para lograr una visión compartida de SEL en toda la escuela. |
Key Responsibilities of an SEL Team Member Members of the school’s SEL team will model social and emotional competence throughout the school community and work to advance the vision and mission of the SEL team. |
Developing SMARTIE Goals for SEL (OST) This tool presents the “SMARTIE” goal-setting process and includes a template that can be used to document goals. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the SEL vision statement to prioritize clear, motivating goals for SEL. |
Reflecting on School Discipline and SEL Alignment Reflect on your school’s discipline policies, procedures, practices, and mindsets. Create alignment between your discipline approach and your SEL vision. |
Key Responsibilities of a Site-Based SEL Team Member (OST) Members of the SEL team (OST version) will model social and emotional competence throughout the community and work to advance the vision and mission of the SEL team. |
Restorative Justice: A Mindset (New Root Learning Institute) This professional learning resource from a collaborating organization in Chicago, the New Root Learning Institute, includes a reflection exercise to understand the difference between a punitive and a restorative mindset and an activity to re-frame punitive statements toward students with restorative language and mindsets. (Shared with permission, see for more) |
Driver Diagram Generation Protocol The purpose of this protocol is to generate a shared “theory of action” to drive a team’s improvement efforts and ultimately achieve the aim. |
Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback Students are the best source of information about what is working to help them learn and feel supported. Use this tool to develop a simple strategy to learn from students to continuously improve instruction to better meet their needs. |
SEL through Distance Learning: Teacher Self-Assessment Assess your strengths and areas to develop as you promote SEL through distance learning and at-home assignments. |