Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
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Encuesta del personal escolar sobre la implementación del SEL en toda la escuela Incluye elementos de encuesta para aprender del personal de la escuela sobre sus percepciones y experiencias de aprendizaje social y emocional y apoyo a la implementación hasta el momento. Cita sugerida: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation. |
TOOL: Strategies for Building a Staff Culture of Appreciation No excerpt available |
This discussion guide can be used for ongoing conversations about SEL throughout the year. It can be used in work settings (for example, teacher team meetings) or community discussion groups. |
Modeling SEL in Interactions with Students and Families This professional learning activity can be used in an all-staff meeting or professional learning community to collectively discuss how school staff model social and emotional competencies in their interactions with the students and families they serve. |
Principals, administrators, SEL team members, staff members, out-of-school time staff, and other adults can use this tool to assess personal strengths, think about how to model those strengths when interacting with others, and plan strategies to promote growth across areas of social competence. |
A National Teacher Survey on how Social and Emotional Learning can empower children and transform schools |
5-Minute Chats With Parents and Caregivers This template includes a structure and sample questions for one-on-one chats to open dialogue between school staff and students’ family members and caregivers near the beginning of a school year. |
SEL 101 Sample Introductory Presentation (OST) This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. It gives an overview of what is SEL, why it’s important, and the process for sitewide SEL. Talking points and activity instructions are provided in the notes section. |
This powerpoint presentation provides a library of slides with research on social and emotional learning. Your school can use these slides to help introduce the importance of SEL to staff, community partners, families, potential funders, and other stakeholders. In the notes section, you’ll see talking points to help you plan a presentation. |
SEL 101 Sample Introductory Presentation This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. It gives an overview of what is SEL, why it’s important, and the process for schoolwide SEL. Talking points and activity instructions are provided in the notes section. |