Evidence-based SEL program: Programs grounded in research and principles of child and adolescent development, and scientifically evaluated and shown to produce positive student outcomes. CASEL identifies high-quality evidence-based programs as those that are well-designed to systematically promote students’ social and emotional competence, provide opportunities for practice, offer multi-year programming, and provide high-quality training and ongoing implementation support. School Guide + Program Guide
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Key Responsibilities of a Site-Based SEL Team Lead (OST) The SEL Team Lead (OST version) will model social and emotional competence while motivating, guiding, and keeping the SEL team organized and on task. |
CASEL staff presented this webinar in collaboration with NAESP to share recommendations for how principals can coordinate and build upon SEL practices and programs to create an environment that infuses SEL into every part of students’ educational experience and promotes equitable outcomes. You can view a summary and the full webinar at https://www.naesp.org/communicator-october-2019/principal-s-role-sel |
Social-Emotional Learning Assessment Measures for Middle School Youth The purpose of the current review is to identify valid, reliable, and useable school-wide assessments for social/emotional well-being of youth and to help schools and districts identify tools that could be useful in determining the success of the programs created to improve student social/emotional well-being. |
Encuesta del personal escolar sobre la implementación del SEL en toda la escuela Incluye elementos de encuesta para aprender del personal de la escuela sobre sus percepciones y experiencias de aprendizaje social y emocional y apoyo a la implementación hasta el momento. Cita sugerida: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation. https://schoolguide.casel.org/resource/tool-staff-family-and-community-partner-survey-on-sel-implementation/ |
Preparing SEL Team Agendas (OST) SEL Team Agenda (OST version) provides a template for planning what items will be discussed in meetings throughout the year, based on the community's SEL goals and implementation plan. |
Private: ATLAS Looking at Data Protocol Based on the ATLAS Looking at Data protocol, this tool encourages team members to describe what they see in the data, make inferences, and share implications for future work. |
Adopt an Evidence-Based Program for SEL
Evidence-based SEL programs are grounded in research and principles of child and adolescent development, and scientifically evaluated and shown to produce positive student outcomes.
FAQs on Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
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Explicit SEL instruction refers to consistent opportunities for students to cultivate, practice, and reflect on social and emotional competencies in ways that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive.
Align schoolwide systems, policies, programs, and practices to promote SEL for students.