Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
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Una compilación de 9 prácticas que nuestros distritos escolares asociados y sus contrapartes fuera del horario escolar han utilizado para construir relaciones sólidas y mejorar la comunicación y colaboración. |
Reflecting on Equity-Centered SEL Leadership Practices Use this tool as a personal reflection on your leadership habits. These prompts are intended to spark your curiosity about your current practices and how you can be intentional about developing equity-centered leadership skills. |
Downloadable Blank Rubric (OST) The downloadable print version of the CASEL Sitewide SEL Implementation Rubric will support your SEL team in taking stock of current efforts, identifying existing resources and gaps where SEL strategies can be developed or improved, setting goals, and developing concrete steps for how to achieve each of your sitewide SEL priorities. |
This printable version of the Schoolwide SEL Rubric can support your SEL team in taking stock of current efforts, identifying existing resources and gaps where SEL strategies can be developed or improved, setting goals, and developing concrete steps for how to achieve your SEL priorities. |
Continuous Improvement Template (OST) This OST tool can be used by an SEL team to drive the learning process about sitewide SEL during team meetings that focus on continuously improving the approach to SEL. |
Continuous Improvement Template This tool can be used by an SEL team to drive the learning process about schoolwide SEL during team meetings that focus on continuously improving the approach to SEL. |
Rapid Learning Cycles for Continuous Improvement This tool helps SEL teams learn about the effectiveness of their SEL strategies and decide whether they should adjust implementation practices to move closer to their SEL goals. |
Develop a Shared Vision and Goals for Social and Emotional Learning This is a condensed version of two more comprehensive tools available on this site: Develop a Shared Vision and Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL. This three page version helps an SEL team think through inclusive ways to draft a vision statement and specific goals to clarify the aims of SEL implementation and guide action steps. |
Ciclos rápidos de aprendizaje para la mejora continua Esta herramienta ayuda a los equipos del SEL a comprender la efectividad de sus estrategias del SEL y decidir si deben ajustar las prácticas de implementación para acercarse más a sus metas del SEL. |
MTSS and PBIS Support Programs Some of the most common frameworks for organizing student supports are Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Adopting schoolwide SEL does not mean that a school must abandon these existing frameworks. Rather, schoolwide SEL offers an opportunity to enhance or refine existing systems of support. |