Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
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Steps for Developing a Shared Vision for SEL (OST) This tool (OST version) provides a model for structuring a conversation about developing a shared vision for SEL or integrating SEL into your school community's existing shared vision. |
Indicators of Sitewide SEL – Strengths and Needs Reflection (OST) This tool offers space for reflection on the 10 indicators of sitewide SEL. It can be a helpful step in establishing common ground among stakeholders about where to focus learning and implementation efforts for SEL. |
Indicators of Sitewide SEL Walkthrough Protocol (OST) Look for signs of high-quality sitewide SEL implementation by observing for the indicators of sitewide SEL. |
Indicators of Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough Protocol Look for signs of high-quality schoolwide SEL implementation by observing for the indicators of schoolwide SEL. This tool is also available in Spanish. |
School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation Includes sample letter and survey items to learn from school staff about their perceptions and experiences of social and emotional learning and implementation support so far. Suggested citation: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). School-based Staff Survey on Schoolwide SEL Implementation. |
Developing SMARTIE Goals for SEL (OST) This tool presents the “SMARTIE” goal-setting process and includes a template that can be used to document goals. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the SEL vision statement to prioritize clear, motivating goals for SEL. |
Coordinating SEL Work with Community Partners This tool offers guidance on how an SEL team can leverage community partnerships intentionally by developing an inventory of partnerships, finding opportunities to deepen SEL alignment and practice, and planning for collaborative communication and continuous improvement. |
This tool presents a structured reflection process for SEL teams and other school stakeholders to observe trends and discuss ideas for continuous improvement of SEL implementation. It emphasizes the importance of examining data with an equity lens and elevating a range of perspectives when interpreting data. |
Collaboration Tools for Building SEL Across the School Day and Out-of-School Time These resources were developed specifically for school communities that are looking to align SEL practices across the full day - from before school, through classes, lunch and recess, until the last student leaves after-school programming. In this process, you will prioritize the relationships, communication skills, and context necessary for this collaborative approach to SEL. |
Supporting Student Members of the SEL Team Including student members on a SEL team or any school leadership team primarily composed of adults requires a commitment from adults to support youth leaders, both during and between meetings. This tool provides some ways that adults can create equitable space for students in their role on the SEL Team. |