Shared Agreements: A consensus formed by a group that frames how members wish to interact and relate with each other. They are enforced by the group, rather than authority figure (Reference: National Equity Project).
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Develop a Shared Vision and Goals for Social and Emotional Learning This is a condensed version of two more comprehensive tools available on this site: Develop a Shared Vision and Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL. This three page version helps an SEL team think through inclusive ways to draft a vision statement and specific goals to clarify the aims of SEL implementation and guide action steps. |
Develop a Shared Vision for Schoolwide SEL This tool provides a model for structuring a conversation about developing a shared vision for SEL or integrating SEL into your school’s existing shared vision. |
Steps for Developing a Shared Vision for SEL (OST) This tool (OST version) provides a model for structuring a conversation about developing a shared vision for SEL or integrating SEL into your school community's existing shared vision. |
Creating Staff Shared Agreements (OST) This tool (OST version) provides guidance for creating staff shared agreements about how they will work together to achieve a shared vision for sitewide SEL. |
Creating Staff Shared Agreements This tool provides guidance for creating staff shared agreements about how they will work together to achieve a shared vision for schoolwide SEL. |
Desarrollar una visión compartida para el SEL en toda la escuela Esta herramienta proporciona un modelo para estructurar una conversación sobre una visión compartida para el SEL o integrar el SEL en la visión existente de su escuela. |
Develop Goals for Schoolwide SEL The purpose of this tool is to help the SEL team progress from a broad, shared vision for SEL to specific, short-term SEL goals that will guide action steps for the coming year. It begins with guidance for determining SEL priorities, then sketching out a long-term implementation roadmap, and finally setting SMARTIE goals for year 1 of SEL implementation |
Provide structures for students to develop, share, and reflect on personal and classwide goals to create a community of learners. |
Develop SEL Team Working Agreements By taking the time to collaboratively develop clear working agreements, the SEL team sets the stage for a sustainable division of responsibility, productive meetings, and a team culture that values differences of opinion and inclusion. This tool outlines a process for developing team working agreements. |
Develop SEL Team Working Agreements (OST) This tool (OST version) outlines a process for developing team working agreements. By taking the time to collaboratively develop clear working agreements, the SEL team sets the stage for a sustainable division of responsibility, productive meetings, and a team culture that values differences of opinion and inclusion. |