Adult SEL: Regular opportunities for staff to cultivate their own social, emotional, and cultural competence, collaborate with one another, build trusting relationships, and maintain a strong community. CASEL - Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
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Partnering with Community Organizations to Support SEL (OST) This tool can help the SEL team identify ways to partner with community organizations toward a common goal of advancing social and emotional learning. |
Private: Continuous Improvement Connection: Representativeness on the SEL Team (OST) This tool (OST version) provides an example of how the continuous improvement template can be used to create a plan for addressing representation on the SEL team as part of Focus Area 1. |
SEL Data Reflection Protocol (OST) This tool (OST version) presents a structured reflection process for stakeholders to observe trends and discuss ideas for continuous improvement of SEL implementation. It emphasizes the importance of examining data with an equity lens and elevating a range of perspectives when interpreting data. |
This tool (OST version) helps you identify potential SEL team members. You needn’t identify individuals for each role categories as long as the team represents the entire school community. |
Key Responsibilities of an SEL-Family Lead (OST) The SEL-Family Lead will coordinate efforts to create authentic family partnerships to promote sitewide social and emotional learning. |
SEL Integrated Sample Lesson Plans (OST) This tool (OST version) helps educators identify where within lesson plans SEL practices are already present, or where they might be included. |
SEL-integrated Lesson or Activity Planning Checklist (OST) This tool helps educators identify where within lesson or activity plans SEL practices are already present or where they might be included. |
Modeling SEL for Young People (OST) This tool (OST version) provides an activity and examples to engage adults in reflection about how they will intentionally model SEL in their interactions with young people and influence the learning climate. |
This is a blank template you can use to estimate costs for SEL implementation in your school. |
Indicators of Sitewide SEL (OST) When fully implemented, sitewide SEL contributes to more successful and equitable outcomes for young people and is evidenced by the following indicators. |